Apr 09, 2005 14:09
So. Battle of the bands=dissapointment. The Fall of Athens lost. And shouldn't have. They lost to some band called Vermillion Sky. Best never ending Atreyu rip off ever. *rolls eyes* And we're "pretty sure" they only won because they brought so many friends.
The Fall of Athens is amazing.
I'm booking a show sometime in late July.
These are the possible bands I have lined up at the moment:
Flee the Seen
A Silent Aproach
Ivy's Reach
Glamour In July
I'm not sure yet.
I've got the start of a band going. And of course I'll call up Em to see if she'll take guitar spot. Any one know a decent drummer who might be interested? I think we're going for a screamo kind of sound.
"im hurting. you hurt me.
im sore. i got my face smashed.
im sick. i have a hunger."
That's about how I feel after last night. Slam dancing is so stupid.
But it's so god damn much fun.