Fic: Her Destiny

Mar 28, 2006 12:43

Title: Her Destiny
Author: Femvamp
Fandom: BTVS
Disclaimer: Joss Wheaton owns all, knows all, IS all.
Spoilers: Potential

Dawn had always wished she had a destiny. That she was special. Unique. However she was normal. Mortal. Human. Well mostly anyway. Her existence had come about in anything but the normal fashion but she had been fashioned human.

A human girl. With human experience. A human memory. A memory based on lies but based on human emotions, human growth. She was human in every way that mattered.

She was an ordinary girl who existed in an extraordinary world. A world with vampires, slayers, werewolves, witches, demons, and destiny. She saw it all. Lived through it all. Remembered it all. Even the moments that had never been. The moments where she had never existed. She remembered them and they remembered her.

She was a normal girl living in a world of destinies. Buffy, Angel, Willow , Giles, Cordelia even Xander and Anya had destines. She however had none. No destiny. No fate. Nothing prophecied about her.

The only thing that made her special was that she had once been a key. A key that no longer opened any doors. Buffy had made sure about that. So now she was just a girl. Nothing special. Nothing different. Nothing but a girl.

She was the last of them. She was the youngest of them. The one who survived. The one who
remembered. The one who had a husband and children.

She had always wanted a destiny.

Instead she had gotten a life.

btvs, dawn summers

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