Dexter Fic: The Red 2/? (Dexter/Rita)

May 31, 2010 19:10

Title: The Red
Author: Femvamp
Fandom: Dexter
Pairing: Dexter/Rita
Disclaimer: Dexter belongs to the dude who wrote the books, Showtime and other people who aren’t me. Don’t sue…also don’t kill me. Really don’t.
Spoilers: Takes place some time in Season 4 but before the season finale - You know what I’m talking about - if you don’t watch season 4. (It’s a killer.) Well anyway my idea is what if Rita witnesses Dexter killing someone and doesn’t freak out.

A/N: I was asked to write a longer version of my story Date Night which can be found at this is my attempt. Tell me if it is crap so I know to stop.

Rita laid in bed and thought of her marriage, her entire relationship with Dexter. From the day they met Dexter had been the perfect gentleman. He had been just as Debra had described on the occasions she had talked him up. Rita had believed that there was no such thing as a good man and Debra had told her that her brother was one the best. She hadn’t believed her at first but had eventually agreed to at least meet him, she’d had every intention to let him and Debra down easy but she really did believe that there was no man in the world for her.

To her surprise Dexter turned out to be everything Debra had said he was and more. He was perfect. In retrospect maybe too perfect, but she hadn’t seen it then. He was kind, courteous, and most of all he didn’t demand anything she didn’t want to give. Rita hadn’t enjoyed sex in a long time; not since Paul had started forcing himself on her and Dexter seemed to understand. He never pushed. He never made any demands, and best of all he seemed to genuinely like her…..and her kids.

For months the relationship remained platonic. They went on dates and they had a good time but that’s where it ended. Then things began to change between them. That one day in the car after a date had ended early because Dexter had walked into a crime scene he had kissed her in a way that he had never kissed her before. It was full of need. He had wanted her; and she had wanted him. It had scared her to death.

Dexter had been cool about it though, the big elephant named Sex in the room. The stupid elephant that neither of them were ready for; at least that’s what he told her. She had been convinced at that point that she had finally managed to score herself the one good guy left in the world. The one man who would never hurt her.

Until he did.

Paul had come back into hr life and had made demands. This time however she didn’t give in to them, she had fought back. Having Dexter in her life had given her the strength to fight back and Paul ended up back in jail where he later died. He insisted he hadn’t done what they said he had done but Rita was so happy to have him gone that she didn’t ask questions; until he was dead. That’s when the questions came. She needed to make sure that Dexter was the man she thought he was. He told her he was a drug addict and she had believed him. She sent him to NA meetings and that’s where he met Lila. He cheated on her with Lila. She had almost lost Dexter then; but in the end he had chosen her. He chose to be with her.

He had married her.

Their marriage wasn’t always easy. Dexter was a good man but a difficult one. She could never understand why he always seemed so distant; so far away. His friendship with Miguel Prado only made things worse. Rita had thought Miguel was a good man when they had first met. It was only later that she started to suspect he wasn’t such a good man. Now she knew the truth. Miguel had been like Dexter but without the code.

The Rules of Harry.

How to raise a serial killer in five easy steps.

Dexter’s father had known; had always known that his son was different and tried to protect him. She wasn’t sure how she felt about that. A father training his son on how to be a successful serial killer; that just sounded wrong to her. Then again; she had witnessed what he had become and it had made her feel something she had never felt before.

She wasn’t repulsed at the idea of Dexter killing people; especially when he told her about the people he killed. It had been part of his father’s code. Murderers. He killed other killers; there was something poetic in it. She thought about Cody. What would she do if he turned out to be like Dexter? Would she hurt or help him? Would she protect him or turn in him. Would she put him away for his and the worlds good?

Harry had done the best he could, she was sure of that. He had given Dexter love and affection, even if he had done great harm to him as well. Dexter told her that his father had called the thing inside of him a monster on several occasions and Rita hated him for that. Dexter wasn’t a monster. She had known monsters in her life and Dexter wasn’t one. If anything it was Harry that was the monster. He had built up Dexter to be a killer and then killed himself leaving him alone. He had created Dexter and then left him.

That was something Rita could never see herself doing. Rita knew she had a choice to make. She could pretend it never happened and let Dexter go back to what he did. She loved him and knew deep down inside that he would protect her the best he could. She had no intention of turning him in; she knew that much. It would kill his sister and Debra was family as well. She could also ask him to stop, but she wasn’t sure if Dexter could stop. She didn’t know if it was in him to stop; even for her.

Then there was the red. Rita closed her eyes and saw it in the back of her mind. In the end it was the red that confused her the most. She knew she could ignore it like she had ignored a lot of things in her life. She could pretend that she didn’t want to see it again. She had ignored the bad things in the world for far too long. She had aloud the bad things to hurt her. Now it was time for something else. Dexter had left it up to her. She knew he expected her to call the police but she told him she wouldn’t and she meant it. She just didn’t quite know where to go from here she just wanted to go there with Dexter.

Bringing Dexter into her life had been the right chose so maybe now it was time for Dexter to bring her into his.

Rita smiled as she closed her eyes and dreamed about the red.

fanfic, story:the red, dexter

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