Fic: Who I Am 8/8 (Desperate Housewives Katherine/Robin)

Apr 09, 2010 23:14

Title: Who I Am
Author: Femvamp
Fandom: Desperate Housewives
Pairing: Katherine/Robin
Spoilers: Season 6 Episode 18 "My Two Young Men"
Posting: passion & perfect if they want it everyone else ask
Rating: PG - This chapter may ping the R rating.
Disclaimer: Desperate housewives does not and never will belong to me. If it did I would have Katherine and Robin be the main characters and well........

A/N: This is the final chapter

If you had told Katherine a year ago that she’d be sitting on the kitchen floor in the middle of the night in her bathrobe eating ice-cream out of the carton with her female lover after a night of passionate sex she would have thought you were crazy. None of those things alone were something she would do, much less at the same time. Katherine didn’t sit on the kitchen floor. She sat on chairs. She didn’t eat ice-cream out of the container she put it in bowls. Most of all she didn’t have sex with women.

No, not Katherine Mayfair.

Then she had to go and meet Robin Gallagher and suddenly she was doing all the things she had never done before. And God help her, she was enjoying every single one of them.

The day had started out simple enough. She had taken Robin and Dylan out to dinner. As soon as they walked into the restaurant half the men in the place started to stare at Robin. Dylan had been a little perturbed and Katherine could see that Dylan was curious as to why it didn’t bother her.

The truth was that everyone looked at the blonde, stared really. It was just a fact. Like the sky was blue. The grass was green. Men liked to look at Robin. For awhile it had annoyed Katherine, especially in the early days of their no sex relationship. She knew she was on shaky ground with Robin keeping the jealousy at bay was difficult. Katherine had never been a jealous person before. She never had the need. Even when she had found out for sure about Adam and his girlfriends she had been more angry then jealous. No, Katherine just didn’t do jealousy…at least until she met Robin.

It wasn’t anything Robin did. That was the truly funny thing. Robin could just walk into the room every man in the place would notice her. Katherine at first thought it was the revealing clothing; because it was revealing, but later she realized it was just Robin. Besides Katherine kinda liked the revealing clothing. That was the truly hilarious thing, on anyone else the clothes she wore just wouldn’t work; but on her….Katherine could hardly look away at times.

Katherine was ecstatic that Robin and Dylan got along. She had been worried that they wouldn’t. That Dylan would freak at her mother’s new…..whatever it was that she was doing. Or even worse that Dylan thought that she was crazy again. The fact that the two women spent the entire dinner talking and laughing was a good sign, better then she could ever hope for.

After dinner they had all headed back home. Robin and Katherine had watched TV for awhile. Dylan had made plans to go out with some friends. Even after Dylan left they continued to watch television. It was another thing that Katherine did more of because of Robin. She had never been a big fan of television. She much preferred a good book, but with Robin sitting next to her or even better laying with her head in her lap, Katherine couldn’t help but find something good in whatever they happened to be watching.

After awhile though Robin turned over in her lap and smiled at her. Katherine knew immediately that this was a different kind of smile then what she had been getting lately. This was…..oh!

Robin sat up and slowly kissed her. Katherine smiled into the kiss. After a few moments Robin pulled away and the look she gave Katherine took her breath away. It was a look of pure love and adoration. At that moment Katherine realized exactly what she had almost thrown away; what a fool she had been; but no more.

When they kissed again it was with more passion. Katherine felt herself moan into Robin’s mouth as the blonde woman forced her back into the couch. Before Katherine knew what was happening Robin was straddling her.

“My God, you’re beautiful.” Katherine said suddenly.

“Look who’s talking.” Robin smiled and then kissed Katherine.

Katherine once again moaned as Robin pulled away from the kiss briefly and started to make her way down her neck. The arousal inside Katherine was amazing. Over a month of pent up sexual tension was simmering and ready to explode inside her. She knew it wouldn’t take much. Katherine tried to pull at Robin’s shirt to get at skin but Robin swatted away her hands and whispered in her ears, “Upstairs. I want you in a bed.”


“So that was fun.” Robin laughed in between spoonfuls of ice cream.

It had of course been her idea to grab something to eat after the sex-a-thon as she called it. Ice-cream had been the easiest thing to grab plus Katherine had a sudden craving. As to why they ended up on the floor of the kitchen she couldn’t tell you.

“Yeah.” Katherine laughed.

“Ice cream was a good idea too.”

Katherine didn’t say anything she just smiled as she continued to eat out of the container of ice-cream, after a few more spoonfuls she realized that Robin had made her way over to her. Katherine smiled seductively and then they were kissing again. Katherine was rather surprised when her hand found it's way inside Robin’s bathrobe and was massaging her breast.

“Mom!” Katherine and Robin jumped away from each other like two teenagers getting caught….doing exactly what they were doing. “I…uhh….heard you down here and…..”

“It’s ok.” Robin checked her bathrobe and made sure it was tightly around her and then got up, “We were just…”

Dylan laughed, “I know exactly what you were doing.”

“Oh God.” Katherine said horrified.

“It’s not bad, mom.”

Dylan laughed and then went over to her mother, she wanted to tell her mother that she had actually heard them when she had come home earlier and had walked past Katherine’s bedroom. She decided thought that telling her mother that would do more harm then good. Sometime ignorance really was bliss; and sometime lying really was the right thing to do.

“I didn’t really see anything.”

Dylan knew immediately that Robin didn’t believe her but was grateful for the lie. Her mother however did or at least pretended to. After that Dylan made a hasty retreat and let to two women get back to….whatever they were doing.

“Oh God.” Katherine laughed as put her head on Robin’s shoulder, “Did that really just happen.”

“No.” Robin laughed too, “It was just a figment of your imagination.”

“Oh good.”

“So we can have some more sex?” Robin whispered into Katherine’s ear.

Katherine paused for a moment. There was so much in here life she was unsure of. So much in her life that was on shaky ground. But Robin had never been one of those things. There were so many parts of herself that didn’t fit but maybe that was the point. Maybe she didn’t need to know everything all at once. Maybe who she was right now was all that matter. Maybe this moment was all that mattered and this moment she was happy. “Yes lets….but in our bedroom.”

Robin noticed that Katherine had said the word “our” but didn’t think it was the right time to bring it up. Her heart did swell thought. It had been a long month for them both. It had been hard on Robin, harder then anyone had thought. There had been so many times that Robin had wanted to simply ravish Katherine but she need to be sure that Katherine wanted her as much as she wanted Katherine, Robin had invested too much of her heart too quickly and she needed to take a step back. She need to put the breaks on and not having sex was the only way she knew how to without walking away completely which she wasn’t willing to do.

Now however she might just have Katherine; mind, body, and soul. She might just have everything she had ever wanted. Robin was almost afraid to hope. Almost afraid to believe.


Katherine was worth hoping for.

Katherine was worth believing in.

Robin was a lot of things. She had always been a lot of things; some of them were not always good. One of the better things was a believer. She believed in the best of people. In the good in people. It had served her well in the past. It had lead her to Fairview. To Katherine.

No, believing in people wasn’t just what she did.

It was who she was.

fanfic, desperate housewives, story:who i am

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