Wild Speculation for Caprica

Jan 27, 2010 20:45

Ok just for the record because I think about this stuff way too much, this is what I think the plot of Caprica will go: (Wild speculation of my part)

Zoe Graystone will be pulled between two worlds. Two sides. Her father will call her a thing and will at times give her love but at others treat her like one of his experiments. On the otherside is the One true God people (forget what they are called) and Sister Clarice Willow who will call her a God or "the" God. Both sides will try to create a body for Zoe but will fail which will drive Zoe closer and closer madness and anger and well.....doom.

Tamara Adams will also be stuck in the machine but unlike Zoe will not fall for Sister Clarice's manipulation. She will try to be the voice of reason for Zoe but her voice will be lost in the crowed. The fight for control between Zoe and Tamara will ultimately end with one of them winning at the cost of both their sanity and well the world in general.

Joseph Adama (Adams) will pay in big ways and little ways for his part in the creation of the Cylons. As his friend Daniel grows in power he will be forced to chose between everything he ever wanted for himself and his son and his own morality. He will also be pulled by the Tauran who will constantly whisper in his ear.

Daniel Graystone, the creation of the cylons has made a rich man even richer. A powerful man even more powerful. Can anyone or anything touch him now? As his power grows he begins to see exactly what he has created and what it might cost him and the world/s. However he is blinded by what he gains and what he might gain....his daughter or a perfect copy.

There that is how I see it. We'll see if I am right.

theories, caprica

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