Weekly Check-in: Three Weeks to Go

Oct 19, 2013 10:01

We're half way there, folks. Hopefully you're all happy with your yuletide assignments :D

So far one default (which was immediately snapped up by a pinch hitter), five assignments completed and one treat posted. I'm hoping that everyone else at least has some idea of what they're going to write, if they're not already well into writing.

Beta list, pinch hit group, dear author letters, Beta list, pinch hit group, dear author letters, Beta list, pinch hit group, dear author letters.
If you sing that to the tune of "O Canada," magic will happen*

Important note! This is a femslash challenge. That means that fic should involve some kind of romantic and/or sexual relationship between two female characters.** As much as I feel that female friendship makes the world go around, this is not a gen fest.

Finally, I'll be making all prompts visible on Tuesday, my time, for your treating pleasure. Please remember only to post treats that are 1k or more while assignments are still open. Shorter treats are welcome after the 9th.

*Don't try this at home. Or anywhere else either.

**for varying definitions of "female characters" as per the rules.
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