How's everyone doing?
We're a week in; no one's defaulted, and one person's posted a story. From my end it's looking pretty good.
If you, like that remarkably efficient person, happen to finish your story early, you can always write your recipient another story, either for the same pairing or something new. Or you can write a treat for someone else. Or you can rest on your (lavender) laurels. All are equally valid ways to participate.
If you're looking for a beta, there's
a list of likely looking people over here. Which you are, of course, welcome to sign up for as well. It's also never too late to
join the pinch hit group. Hopefully you all have ideas and are doing canon review and bouncing around starts of stories. It is possible to ask your recipient questions through me, if need be, or to get me to ask your recip to post/unlock/fill out their dear author letter if they have not already done so. Please double check their blogs and the
dear author letter list first. Good luck, god speed, and I'll check back in next week.