(no subject)

Oct 26, 2015 13:00

This is a two-in-one post this month. Apologies about the delay, but it's been a rather busy time of year.

Anyway, I hope all your fics are going well, and don't forget to give us a quick update in the comments. If you've never done a check-in before, please do so, because it'd be great to hear from our quieter writers.

if you're writing for this month's challenges, those are due on the 31st of October, and we'll throw that into a masterpost.

So, because the entire year is startign to draw to a close and we have one more monthly challenge to go (these are only running until November, as the entire big bang finishes on the 20th of December, which is so maddeningly close), I figured it was time to launch our survey for the year.

It's just a quick feedback thing, so you can help us shape the experience of the whole thing so everything can get better and better.
So click here to fill us in on how you've found it!

Literally everything would be helpful, as I'm always looking forward to improving things. I'll be keeping an eye out for all respones right up until the end of the year, even after the whole thing has ended.

- Lore

check in, updates

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