Sorry guys for the delay in posts! Summer schedules make for a crappy online schedule. Here's the monthly challenge for July!
How it works:
- write 1k of fic OR create 1 piece of art
- you can also do a rollover challenge using a prompt or fic (if you’re making art) from the previous month
- must be based on the prompt given
- must be femslash
- due by the end of the month (but can be posted at any time)
Submitting it:
- add it to the AO3 collection with the tag ‘Femslash Big Bang Monthly Challenge’
- send us a link via comment on this post or an email to femslashbigbang (if you’re not posting on ao3)
Prompt: Proposals
Hope everyone’s having a good summer so far! (Or winter if you’re from the Southern Hemisphere.)