wow. Time flies and here we are at the thirs check in of the year's challenge. Hope you're all doing well! (Sorry this was so late, but life is a weird thing)
This isn't maditory, but we'd love to hear from you! So if you're keen, answer in a comment on livejournal or a reblog on our tumblr!
- What ship was the first you were inspired to write for?
- Writers: What's your favourite trope to write about?
- Artists: What's your favourite kind of thing to feature in your art?
- How are you going with your works? (don't have to answer, but we'd love to hear from you)
- Lore
Reminder: please tag all monthly challenge fic submissions on ao3 with the tag ‘femslash big bang monthly challenge’ - it’ll make it easier for us to get the master post together. If it's just on livejournal, just comment a link on the corresponding monthly challenge or check in post. Other places? send us an email with the link to If you are doing a rollover for the previous month, it would also be helpful to mention the prompt in the author’s notes, so that it doesn't get mixed up with that month's prompt.