wlw positivity commentathon

Mar 04, 2016 12:40

As many of you probably already know, last night another canon lesbian was shot and killed minutes after a love scene with the woman of her affection. Understandably, many fans (and non-fans) of The 100 are hurt and betrayed by yet another tv lesbian being killed on-screen ( Read more... )

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Fic: From a single candle (Gwen/Morgana, mature) anonymous March 6 2016, 03:52:39 UTC
For the longest time, Morgana was taught her emotions were a weakness. Emotions people expected out of her - respect, gratefulness, devotion, empathy - those were allowed. But emotions she felt for herself only showed others where to push, what to steal, how to mock her. She learned her own emotions made her breakable. It was best to withhold them. She closed her mouth in public when Uther condemned someone, she closed her eyes when Arthur fought in tournaments, she closed her windows when her people mourned. She carved a wax figure of herself.

Gwen was otherwise. Gwen was taught emotions were what made it worth it to get up when breaths catch in the cold air and to welcome dreams when the night fell. She smiled at Morgana like affection could be openly shared, she wore her disapproval like an armour, she held people's hands as if could never set them on fire for it.

They both learned differently from each other. Morgana showed Gwen what touches would go unnoticed in public spaces and Gwen showed her how good touches could feel in private places.

"Not yet," Morgana would murmur apologetically, retracting her hand from Gwen's hold at a feast.

"Not yet," Gwen whispered against Morgana's lips that night.

If Morgana had sealed herself in wax, Gwen was her wick. Together, they discovered that a candle cannot crack - it melts, it reshapes itself, it glows dimmer or stronger. Gwen's trusting heart that had once made it so easy to break was now polished, wrapped and sealed. Morgana's hard facade that had been too hard to see her humanity had morphed and become a portable shield from which she could protect others or move aside when needed.

Morgana and Gwen made allies in the village, theirs and the surrounding towns while visiting. They met with Elena who was a wildfire, Vivian who had burned bright all her life and showed them how, Vivian had no interest in burning but even less in letting anyone decide of this for her. They met Freya while sneaking around at night to find a good place to practice Morgana's growing magic, and visit her in her little cottage by the lake a few times a year. They meet an Ogress who's all too happy to get rid of pirates and pillagers for them as long as she keeps unclaimed goods. Slowly, they built themselves a network.

Some people ask "how do you do what you do without breaking?" and they smile, thin and wicked as a blade. "Women don't break. They reshape."

It takes years of battles, most of them hidden and leaving invisible scars layering up on their hearts, but eventually, Morgana stares at the empty throne before her one grey morning. Arthur and his knights are spread out around her in an arche, Merlin and Gaius are standing near the door. Merlin has bewitched all the candles in the room to burn brightly against the remaining spring chill. Morgana studies the stretch of vibrant blood red path leading up to the empty thrones before her, and she turns to Gwen, offering her a hand.

"Now?" Gwen asks.

"Now." Morgana smiles.



Re: Fic: From a single candle (Gwen/Morgana, mature) smithkingsley March 10 2016, 17:29:41 UTC
This is awesome! :-)


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