Fanmix: I Believe the World it Spins for You by
aphrodite_mine - Alex/Paige
{Grey's Anatomy}
I Won't Wait Any Longer by
michellek - Addison/Meredith, Izzie/Meredith
City Lights by
milk_and_glass - Izzie/Addison
La De Da by
aliceautumn - Meredith/Cristina, implied Meredith/Addison
Flower of the Apocalypse by
bitterfic - Dr. Dakota Block/Cherry Darling
Girls With No Daddy by
friendhamster - Penny/Amber
{Law & Order}
Beltane by
akte - Casey/Olivia (SVU)
Part 2 of Becoming by
racethewind10 - Capt. Julia Millfeild/ Det. Olivia Benson (SVU)
Pin-up by
carpesomediem - Sam/Brooke
Etched by
carpesomediem - Sam/Brooke
sambrookeotp -
kiss {RENT}
Job or Love, Part 2 of What Happens in the Office Stays in the Office by
joannes_tango - Maureen/Joanne
The Problem by
kelinswriter - Kristin/Idina (Wicked)
Bridge by
chenzel_lovah - Kristin/Idina (Wicked)
Lonely Souls, Part 1 by
mistress_britt - Kristin/Idina (Wicked)
Waiting On Love by
jediknighttalin - Julia/Stephanie (Wicked)
Welcome Back by
elphie08457323 - Julia/Kendra (Wicked)
Part 7 of Kristin's Experience by
wickedrent1013 - Kristin/Idina (Wicked)
Part 2 of Round Robin by
agirloffewwords - Kristin/Idina (Wicked)
Part 9 of When In Rome by
penny_is_life - Kristin/Idina (Wicked)
Puzzel of My Heart video by
chenoweth_rocks - Kristin/Idina (Wicked)
9 icons by
blowers_daughtr - Kristin/Idina (Wicked)
Wallpaper by
halfbloodme - Sam/Janet (SG1)
14 icons by
bheerfan - Sam/Vala (SG1)
Whatever Galinda Wants by
opengirl - Galinda/Elphaba
Part 4 of So close, yet so far by
kdx_night - Glinda/Elphaba
5 icons by
blowers_daughtr - Galinda/Elphaba