{All My Children}
Mix CD by
rocxmblover - Bianca/Maggie.
{Battlestar Galactica}
the essence is all one by
projectjulie - Maya/Jo Lupo/Uta Refson (Erica Cerra), Roslin/Maya, Uta/Leoben. (crossover with Eureka + The L Word)
{fic updates}
Part 7 of I Already Knew by
merctrin - Catherine/Sara. (Vegas)
{Law & Order}
Time on My Hands by
darandkerry - Alex/Olivia. (SVU)
Mothers, Don't Let Your Daughters Go To Paris by
teh_no - Emma/Kitty.
{fic updates}
Part 5 of Follow If You Lead by
p00kieb3ar - Kristin/Idina. (Wicked)
{South of Nowhere}
75 icons by
scarymime - Spencer/Ashley, various.
{The West Wing}
Fear-Based Responses by
bluflamingo - Gina/Ellie.
{fic updates}
Part 0.5 of Shiz Days by
the_choir_bird - Glinda/Elphaba.
Part 1 of The Gardener by
fl0rida - Glinda/Elphaba.
Valentine's Day challenge at