13 JANUARY - 19 JANUARY 2020

Jan 19, 2020 20:22

{Carol (2015) The Price of Salt}
- Chapter 18 of Life Without Borders
cyberpunk2183 Carol/Therese **Off LJ Links**

{Devil Wears Prada}
- Chapter 8-Epilogue of The Diamond Eye
chilly_flame Miranda/Andy **Off LJ Links**
- Chapter 9 of Cosmic
janewestin Miranda/Andy **Off LJ Links**
- Chapter 8-9 of this isn't over yet
janewestin Miranda/Andy **Off LJ Links** (complete)
- Chapter 17 of After Dark
The_literary_Assassin Miranda/Andy **Off LJ Links**
- Chapter 17 of The Science of Sex
charlottepriestly Miranda/Andy **Off LJ Links**

{Fire Emblem}
- Hand and Sword by kalloway -Hana/Sakura **Off LJ Links**

{Grace and Frankie}
- the rose room
chainofclovers Frankie/Grace **Off LJ Links**

{Joss Verse}
- Chapter 48 of Inevitable
Laragh Tara/Willow (BtVS) **Off LJ Links**
- Chapter 4 of A Cheerleader Far, Far, Away
JoeHundredAire Cordelia/OFC (BtVS) (Star Wars xover) **Off LJ Links**
- Chapter 1 of Flavor of the Month
GoldenWaffles Tara/Willow (BtVS) **Off LJ Links**
- Chapter 85 of Lotus
Counterpunch Willow/Tara (BtVS) **Off LJ Links**
- Chapter 2 of Wilderness
onebuttoneye Tara/Willow (BtVS) **Off LJ Links**
- Chapter 24 of The Tree of Us
Crash Cordelia/Fiath/Buffy (BtVS) **Off LJ Links**

{Nirvana in Fire}
- open
ConvenientAliasGong Yu/Qin Banruo **Off LJ Links**

{Once Upon A Time}
- The Mayor's Princess
cheshire6845 Regina Mills/Emma Swan **Off LJ Links**

{Stardew Valley}
- Private by thewriterinpink -Haley/Leah **Off LJ Links**

{Star Trek Voyager}
- Chapter 25 of Insidious
Voyager_girl_J7 Janeway/Seven of Nine **Off LJ Links**
- Chapter 6 of Not Even The Rain
DarlingDoRight Janeway/Seven of Nine **Off LJ Links**

- drabble_weekly - Challenge 175 ~ Long Lost Friend
- femslashficlets - Challenge 243 ~ open
- ficlet_zone - Challenge 23 ~ Song Titles: Taylor Swift
- femmefest - Announcing Femmefest 2020
- slashthedrabble - Prompt 551 ~ Spotlight

star trek: voyager, once upon a time, devil wears prada, jossverse: buffy (series), fire emblem

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