14 OCTOBER - 20 OCTOBER 2019

Oct 20, 2019 22:01

- Sum of Our Parts by aurumcalendula -Maria Alverez/Sara Sandoval

{Devil Wears Prada}
- How Many Times Must I Scream Your Name
teenybirdy Miranda/Andy **Off LJ Links**
- Chapter 10-11 of By All Means
Littlevillanelle Miranda/Andy **Off LJ Links**
- Chapter 8 of After Dark
The_literary_Assassin Miranda/Andy **Off LJ Links**
- Chapter 19 of Hope
Wizbang Miranda/Andy **Off LJ Links**
- Chapter 2 of The Secrets We Keep
MethodMom Miranda/Andy **Off LJ Links**
- Chapter 27 of The Queen in Love
Dragonposeidon Miranda/Andy **Off LJ Links**

{Fire Emblem}
- Say It All by kalloway - Dorothea/Ingrid **Off LJ Links**

{Full Metal Alchemist}
- Free Falling
AmiLu Paninya/Winrey Rockbell **Off LJ Links**

{Harry Potter}
- heaven knows
SkyRose Lavender Brown/Hermione Granger/Parvati Patil **Off LJ Links**

{Joss Verse}
- Carve the Demons Away
for_t2 Buffy/Faith (BtVS) **Off LJ Links**
- Necromancin Dancin
for_t2 Buffy/Faith (BtVS) **Off LJ Links**
- untitled
saintbuffy Buffy/Faith **Off LJ Links**
- Pining Slayers and Where to Find Them
for_t2 Faith/Buffy (BtVS) **Off LJ Links**
- The Zone of Avoidance
gloss Cordelia/Buffy (BtVS) **Off LJ Links**
- Chapter 1-5 of Slayer and the Witch
Stonerslayer90 Tara/Willow (BtVS) **Off LJ Links**
- Chapter 71 of Lotus
Counterpunch Tara/willow (BtVS) **Off LJ Links**
- Chapter 16 of Worthless
Susan19 Faith/Buffy (BtVS) **Off LJ Links**
- Chapter 3 of ReVamp
Florence_in_Silver Tara/Willow (BtVS) **Off LJ Links**

{Marvel 616}
- The Beast of the Void
Welsper Felicia Hardy/Wanda Maximoff **Off LJ Links**

{Original fiction}
- Down The Rabbit Hole
reinadefuego Bored Monster Goddess/Butch Monster Huntress Who's Been Set Up **Off LJ Links**

{Star Trek Voyager}
- Chapter 21 of The song Remains The Same
Linguisticallycunning Janeway/Seven **Off LJ Links**

{Star Wars}
- Well Planned
Artemis1000 Jyn Erso/Qi'ra **Off LJ Links**
- here, tonight
Shadaras Rey/Rose Tico **Off LJ Links**

{World Wonder Ring}
- A field of flowers inside your head
smarky Hoshiki Arisa/Nakano Tam **Off LJ Links**

- drabble_weekly - Challenge 162 ~ Friends and Neighbors
- slashthedrabble - Prompt 543 ~ Wild
- femslashficlets - Challenge 231 ~ invite
- ficlet_zone - Challenge 20 Reverse Fandom: Once Upon a Tome

star trek: voyager, original fiction, devil wears prada, jossverse: buffy (series), harry potter, full metal alchemist, star wars, fire emblem

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