{Arcana, The}
Waken with A BangLady_Katana4544 Apprentice/Portia Devorak **Off LJ Links**
{Babylon 5}
Doubts, Questions, and No Sleep by
Katleept -Mel/Nikko .
{Critical Role}
stones change shape by
kimaracretak -Keyleth/Raishan . **Off LJ Links**
{Devil Wears Prada}
Caroline's RequestGinStan Miranda/Andy **Off LJ Links**
ShatteredPetrichoraflora Miranda/Andy **Off LJ Links**
Chapter 57-58 of For The Better
Naralanis Miranda/Andy **Off LJ Links**
Chapter 4 of The Magic of Love
teenybirdy Miranda/Andy **Off LJ Links**
Chapter 14-18 of Untimely
Wizbang Miranda/Andy **Off LJ Links**
Chapter 1 of Homemade Dynamite
LinRiverSongBeifong Miranda/Andy **Off LJ Links**
Chapter 6-7 of Worthy of Admirnation
jehc Miranda/Andy **Off LJH Links**
Chapter 2 of Yes, Mistress
LolaIbz Miranda/Andy **Off LJ Links**
Chapter 7 of Time and Space
PoisonedPrada Miranda/Andy **Off LJ Links**
{Don Carlo - Verdi opera}
Le doux reflet d'une étoileZdenka Princess Eboli/Élisabeth de Valois **Off LJ Links**
{Dragon Age}
just won't workohnonnie Sera/Lavellan **Off LJ Links**
thttps://archiveofourown.org/works/16653466he love I need to see me through
ohnonnie Sera/Lavellan **Off LJ Links**
{Golden Girls}
Make Up Your Mind by
katleept -Blanche/Dorothy .
{Handmaid's Tale}
Phone NumberTeaRoses Moira/OFC **Off LJ Links**
{Joss verse}
Learning Curverebelrsr Faith/Tara, Buffy/Willow (BtVS) **Off LJ Links**
Public Displayshttps://archiveofourown.org/users/rebelrsr/pseuds/rebelrsrrebelrsr Buffy/Faith (BtVS) **Off LJ Links**
Jailbaitrebelrsr Buffy/Faith (BtVS) **Off LJ Links**
Ephphanyrebelrsr Buffy/Faith (BtVS) **Off LJ Links**
Hearts and Flowersrebelrsr Faith/Willow (BtVS) **Off LJ Links**
Running Into Each OtherKurna Faith/Willow (BtVS) **Off LJ Links**
Chapter 3 of Freaky Tuesday
WillowFromBuffy Willow/Tara (BtVS) **Off LJ Links**
{Once Upon A Time}
Wicked Gamesstarsthatburn Evil Queen|Regina Mills/Emma Swan **Off LJ Links**
White HatTeaRoses Lillie/Moon **Off LJ Links**
{Rizzoli & Isles}
Chapter 16 of The List
AngieB628 Jane/Maura **Off LJ Links**
Chapter 55 of Future of Promisies
GypsyHope Jane/Maura **Off LJ Links**
{Silmarillion, The}
CompanionsZdenka Haleth/OFC **Off LJ Links**
femslashficlets -
Challenge 185 ~ bang
ficlet_zone -
Challenge 9 ~ Song Titles: Frank Sinatra
drabble_weekly - Chal
https://drabble-weekly.livejournal.com/216741.htmllenge 116 ~ Silver