{mod post} State of the comm, 28 June 2016

Jun 28, 2016 19:51

First off, an apology to everyone for basically disappearing for the last month and a half. RL took precedence and I honestly just forgot.

There are things that I need to get done on this comm, all of which are in progress now.
  • Update the tags with the new system we'll be using from this point on.
    If you're intersted in helping with this project, please leave a comment or PM me.

  • Update the "how to" posts for future archivists.

  • Prep for Fireworks 16 Porn Battle over the holiday weekend.
    The prompt collection post will go up either later tonight or tomorrow morning.

  • Update more often.
    Regular updates will start on Friday, 1 July 2016. I will choose an arbitrary number of entries to go back [most likely the maximum allowed, which is like skip=180] to go back for the first update.
Thank you for your patience.



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