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September/October archivist!
Mortified by
swan_secrets - Sara/Nyssa
{Devil Wears Prada}
Not Just a Job by
redheadgrrl1960 - Andy/Miranda
{Harry Potter}
Intervention by
inell - Hermione/Parvati
I was looking for a breath of life by
pickledminx - Mara/Jordan
{The Hunger Games}
Our by
swan_secrets - Johanna/Katniss
Cupcake by
swan_secrets - Darcy/Pepper
as much as she can take by
fresh_brainss - Darcy/Sif **off-LJ link**
{Once Upon a Time}
Firmly In Hand by
salmon_pink - Granny/Ruby
Convictions by
demoka - Mary Margaret/Emma
Someone For Me by
demoka - Mary Margaret/Emma
Coney Island by
geonncannon - OFC/OFC
{Orphan Black}
Some Sugar With That? by
temari77 - Cosima/Delphine
{Scott Pilgrim vs. the World}
Unmade by
swan_secrets - Roxy/Ramona
{Teen Wolf}
Bloodlust by
salmon_pink - Malia/Kira