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January/February archivist!
Chapter 1 of Don We Now Our Gay Apparel by
dr_feel_good_md - Stephanie Brown/Cassandra Cain **off-LJ link**
Connected by
brutti_ma_buoni - Willow/Tara (BtVS)
Tamed by
Swan_Secrets - Dawn/Faith (BtVS) **off-LJ link**
{Nikki & Nora}
At Last by
tristianmakhai - Nikki/Nora **off-LJ link**
{Once Upon a Time}
Cider Shots by
shatterpath - Regina/Emma **off-LJ link**
Day 5,
Day 6,
Day 7, &
Day 8 of 12 Days of Christmas by
shatterpath - Regina/Emma **off-LJ link**
2 Out of Three by
geonncannon - Kate Price/Nicole Bronwyn(/Amy Wellis) **off-LJ link**
3 Mothers Mothering by
geonncannon - Jill and Patricia Hood-Colby **off-LJ link**
Part 2 of Unexpected by
shatterpath - Renata/Rosie **off-LJ link**
{Sherlock (BBC)}
Batgirls by
marysutherland - Anthea/Ella **off-LJ link**
New Sensations by
killing_kurare - Alice / Bella