Fireworks 13: The [Totally Not] Annual femslash_today Porn Battle :: Master List

Sep 08, 2013 09:03

Wow! Nicely done, everyone who participated! I'm impressed!

If we've missed something that should be in this list, please leave a comment and we'll get that rectified.

And make sure to leave feedback for the entries you peruse!

- Left by rise_your_dead - Pam/Lana

- Secret by rise_your_dead - Rita/Becca

{Burn Notice}
- Doubled by rise_your_dead - Fiona/Sonya

- Cheap Sax by rise_your_dead - Roxie/Velma

- The Problem With Having Hot Friends by ilthit - Annie/Shirley **off-LJ link**

{Covert Affairs}
- Unfaithful by daria234 - Joan/Annie

{DC Comics}
- untitled by seriousfic - Supergirl/Power Girl

{Devil Wears Prada}
- Right Decision by joanne_c - Andrea/Emily/Miranda

{Dirty Dancing}
- All Natural by rise_your_dead - Baby/Penny

- Fuck Yourself by kinkyredsocks - Olivia/Alt-Olivia

{The Good Wife}
- Emergency Stop by schwarmerei1 - Alicia/Kalinda

{How I Met Your Mother}
- Still of the Night by rise_your_dead - Lily/Robin

{Jennifer's Body}
- untitled by seriousfic - Jennifer/Needy

{Legend of the Seeker}
- White by harper_m - Kahlan/Cara **off-LJ link**

{Lost Girl}
- untitled by willowcabins - Bo/Tamsin

{Marvel Cinematic Universe}
- Ledger by daria234 - Natasha/Maya
- Crimson by joanne_c - Natasha/OFC
- Lessons by joanne_c - Natasha/Darcy

{Once Upon a Time}
- The Last Time by swan_secrets - Emma/Mary-Margaret
- Because I Know Death So Well by parachute_silks - Ruby (Red)/Natasha (Black Widow) (Crossover w/ Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Fitting by joanne_c - Regina/Emma
- Good Girl by swan_secrets - Regina/Ruby **off-LJ link**
- Victorious by swan_secrets - Emma/Regina/Mary-Margaret
- Too Fun To Stop by demoka - Emma/Mary Margaret

{Orphan Black}
- untitled by nenya_kanadka - Beth/Alison, Sarah/Alison

{The Princess and the Frog}
- Bachelorette by rise_your_dead - Charlotte/Tiana

{Rizzoli & Isles}
- Stall by merryghoul - Jane/Maura

- Control by joanne_c - Kristen Stewart/Charlize Theron
- Snatched Moments by lyssie - Charlize Theron/Kristen Stewart

- Welcome Back by stripysockette - Katie Fitch/Effy Stonem

{Sports Night}
- Goodbye (Never Knew You) by sarken - Dana/Sally

{Star Trek}
- untitled by seriousfic - Nyota Uhura/Gaila (AOS)

- Like She Used To Be Happy In Another World by misachan - Claire/Krissy

- Thinking About a Revolution by harper_m - Emma Frost/Jean Gray **off-LJ link**

rpfs misc, dirty dancing, covert affairs, chicago, skins, how i met your mother, star trek: reboot, supernatural, princess and the frog, rizzoli & isles, jennifer's body, burn notice, once upon a time, !challenges: labor day, archer, dc universe: other, x-men, devil wears prada, fringe, bridesmaids, legend of the seeker, lost girl, orphan black, good wife(the), marvel cinematic universe, sports night, community

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