Wednesday 7th November

Nov 08, 2012 22:43

{Devil Wears Prada}
- Chapter 34 How Alike We Are by
McGonagall's Bola
- Miranda/Andy
- Criminal by brithna - Miranda/Andy
- Fic Search
- Fic Search

{Final Fantasy}
- What *do* they teach these kids by
- Celes/Terra

{Fried Green Tomatoes}
- Votes For Women by jaina47 - Idgie/Ruth
- The Bath After the Flour Fight by jaina47 - Idgie/Ruth
- Fried Green Tomatoes by jaina47 - Idgie/Ruth

- No need to say goodbye by cracon - Rachel/Quinn, Brittany/Santana

{Grey's Anatomy}
- In The After by walking_weapon and lily915 - Callie/Arizona
- Honorable by puffy_wuffy - Callie/Arizona, Callie/Jo
- Icons by dadaliketostada - Callie/Arizona

{Guiding Light}
- Candles and preparing for Frankenstorm Sandy at the Farmhouse of Love by jaina47 - Olivia/Natalia
- Giving Otalia a run for their money for town's favorite Lady-couple by jaina47 - Doris/Blake

{Harry Potter}
- A Meeting of Equal Halves: Find Me Somebody to Love by ressick_recs - Fleur/Hermione

{The Hollows}
- Ivy and Rachel disagree on who to vote for by jaina47 - Rachel/Ivy

- Something Real by orlidepp - Dawn/Faith (BtVS)
- Note To Self (The Chocolate Candy Remix) by snogged - Joyce/Willow
- Halloween at the Bronze by aaronlisa - Willow/Amy
- Dawn Summers Solves Things With SCIENCE! by
beer_good - Dawn/Faith
- Warmin' Up by
- Kaylee/Inara (Firefly) (off-LJ link)
- A Sweet Situation by
- Willow/Tara
- Game Face by brutti_ma_buoni - Cordelia/Faith

{Legend of the Seeker}
- Chapter 5 of The Ride With You Was Worth The Fall by fortunata13 - Cara/Kahlan

- What's Tomorrow Without You? by
- Natasha Romanova/Pepper Potts
- Through All Times and Worlds by orlidepp - Rachel/Kitty

- Ziva's first election since becoming a US citizen by jaina47 - Ziva/Abby

{Once Upon A Time}
- passion_perfect - Highlighted fandom challenge

- Chapter 7 of Secretions of Philathymna by
- OFC/OFC (Uber-Warehouse13)

- Breathe You In by
- Tennessee Thomas/Annie Monroe (Bandom - The Like)

- passion_perfect - Highlighted fandom of the month suggestions

jossverse: firefly, glee, final fantasy (series), once upon a time in mexico, ncis, grey's anatomy, original fiction, devil wears prada, fried green tomatoes, legend of the seeker, harry potter, jossverse: buffy (series), hollows(the), rpfs: music, marvel-verse, guiding light

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