{25 may 2010}

May 25, 2010 22:15

{All My Children}
{fic updates}
- Part 32 of Arms of an Angel by fab_fan - Frankie/Bianca, Maggie/Other.

{Bad Girls}
{fic updates}
- Part 20 of Bad Girls Music Drabble by llaurorall - Helen/Nikki, Helen/Karen, Sylvia/Lorna, Nikki/Trisha, Nikki/Shell.

{Desperate Housewives}
- It Has Nothing to do With Lesbianism by smartyshortie - Katherine/Robin.

{The Devil Wears Prada}
- The Other Hand by thelastgoodname - Miranda/Andrea.
{fic updates}
- Chapter 4 of Ghosts of My Girlfriend's Past, Present, and Future by i_heart_cuddy - Miranda/Andrea.
- Chapter 14 of Love, Life & Loss by pure_ecstasy6 - Miranda/Andrea.
- Part 8 of Like You Do by violeties - Miranda/Andrea.

- Call the Thunder And Bring The Storm by amaltheaz - Rachel/Quinn.
- Moods by insaneantics21 - Santana/Rachel.
- All or Nothing by kyoht_black - Brittany/Santana.
- Extraordinary by dramatricks - Brittany/Santana.
- None the Wiser by lifeawakening - Rachel/Quinn.
- And Feed Her Well by gold_star_fic - Rachel/Quinn.
{fic updates}
- Part 1 of Sight by awkwardllama - Rachel/Quinn.
- Part 1 of Glee Main St. by pri_rage - Rachel/Quinn.
- Chapter 1 of Of Bar Lime and Lounger Singers by ambarron - Rachel/Quinn.
- Part 5 of All She Wanted by caution_ahead - Rachel/Quinn.
- Part 7 of We Intertwine by bernybop - Brittany/Santana.
- Part 4 of Words, Hearts, Hands by aceftepicw - Rachel/Quinn.
- Part 2 of Love/Hate by calnadmicd - Rachel/Quinn.
- Part 3 of I Remember Our Love by kschoiceofafi - Rachel/Quinn.
- 28 icons by lejonhjelm - Brittany/Santana.
- Glee 1x20 Theatricality Slash Discussion Post at gleeslash.

{Grey's Anatomy}
- The Day After the One Before by summitsw - Callie/Arizona.
- The Two Little Buggers by egirl117 - Callie/Arizona.
{fic updates}
- Part 1 of Spain by chwitchety - Callie/Arizona.
- Chapter 16 of Domino Effect by unfortunateggs - Meredith/Addison.
- Part 2 of Believe Me by mpeck86 - Callie/Arizona.
- Part 20 (Final Part) of Out with the Old by iadorecallie - Callie/Arizona.
- Chapter 11 of Med School Chemistry by hahns_girl - Erica/Callie.
- 104 'Death and All His Friends' Icons by sweetbalm - Callie/Arizona.
- 36 icons from 06x23 and 06x24 by tlwlover - Callie/Arizona.
- Music Video: Sweet Disposition by bam_otaliafan18 - Callie/Arizona.

{Harry Potter}
- Closing Time by a_shadow_there - Minerva/Rosmerta, Minerva/OFC.
- Art: Living Waters by siriuslysnogged - Hermione/Ginny.

{Law & Order: SVU}
- One Thing Leads to Another by cleo2584 - Patrice LaRue/Abbie Carmichael (Crossover with Law & Order).

{Legend of the Seeker}
- Took My Breath Away by shemp_o2stk - Cara/Kahlan.
- If Your Leaving Will You Take Me With You? by shemp_o2stk - Cara/Kahlan.
{fic updates}
- Part 1 of Consumed by individual_68 - Cara/Kahlan.
- Fanmix: a light in the moon by bizarro_bluth - Cara/Kahlan.
- Fanmix: Breaking Up Is Hard to Do by thrace_ - Cara/Dahlia.
- Fanmix: I Want This More Than Life by theagonyofblank - Cara/Dahlia.
- 59 icons of a mixed nature by sofiemae - Cara/Kahlan, Cara/Dahlia, Nicci/Kahlan.
- LotS Femslashy Season 3 (Follow-Up Post) by ivanolix.

- Art: Trying to bloom by Anonymous - Gwen/Morgana.

{Malory Towers}
{fic updates}
- Chapter Seven of Irritation by hafl - Alicia/Betty, Mary-Lou/Daphne.

- 12 icons by lynxycrowy - Kate/Ziva.

{fic updates}
- Part VI Revised of Sugar Spell It Out by the_porous_page - Katie/Effy, Emily/Naomi.

- Peace and Quiet by michele_binge - Bella/Alice.

{fic updates}
- Part 21 of Dana's Malakim by dhamphir - Scully/OFC.

law & order: svu, skins, glee, law & order (original), x-files, twilight, ncis, grey's anatomy, bad girls, devil wears prada, all my children, merlin, legend of the seeker, harry potter, malory towers, desperate housewives

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