{Babylon 5}
Ways and Means by
aris_tgd - Na'Toth/Neeoma Connally.
{Big Love}
The Morning After by
qwijybo - Sarah/Heather.
{Blade: The Series}
Convalesce by
fembuck - Krista/Chase.
Leaving Toronto by
loridragus - Paige/Alex.
{Grey's Anatomy}
What Would Happen by
fierce_desea - Meredith/Addison.
Untitled by
yourmisfortune - Callie/Meredith.
The Morning After by
crimsonkismet - Meredith/Addison.
{fic updates}
Part 4 of Satan and the Whore by
tequilajuju - Meredith/Addison.
greys100 - twist.
{Harry Potter}
girls_today update 1 and
update 2.
Six drabbles by
finding_jay - Stacy/Cuddy.
Dirty Little Secrets by
ijemanja - Stacy/Cuddy.
{Miss Congeniality}
The Real Deal by
vesikirppu - Gracie/Sam.
Good Intentions by
anniesweetpea - Maureen/Joanne.
None of It Seems to Matter Anymore by
mldrgrl - Idina/Kristin. (Wicked)
Dress Shopping by
love_ispain24 - Lily Tomlin/Meryl Streep.
Clockwise by
pinksummerrain - Idina/Kristin. (Wicked)
Children by
pinksummerrain - Idina/Kristin. (Wicked)
It always goes back to the parade by
mystic_meg_gal - Idina/Kristin. (Wicked)
{fic updates}
Part 3 of Camping by
miss_artist - Idina/Kristin. (Wicked)
fic challenge - Idina Menzel/Jennifer Laura Thompson. (Wicked)
{South of Nowhere}
Grass Stains by
zaintown - Spencer/Ashley.
When In Doubt by
angelic_mand - Teyla/Weir.
Like Stars and Starting Over by
amitee - Elizabeth/Teyla.
Onset by
trinity1986 - Lindsey Novak/Elizabeth Weir.
{The X-Men}
Underneath It All by
fembuck - Jean Grey/Emma Frost.
Potential by
sionnain - Emma/Phoenix.
slashthedrabble - David Bowie song titles.
fandom_arcana -
Ace of Wands.