Please help us compile a
list of holiday ficathons likely to produce femslash.
D.E.B.S. and The L Word Icons by
mako_icons {Jossverse}
Part 16 of Resurrection is for the Unbelievers by
shaych_03 - Kate Lockley/Liz Blaine, Willow/Kennedy. (BtVS/AtS) (Draculaverse x-over)
Candy Canes by
cadence_k - Faith/Lilah (AtS)
The Anya Femslash Challenge at
femslash_minis {Law & Order}
Centerfold (Extended Version) by
ob_fangrrl - Alex/Olivia.
Pancakes and Whipped Cream by
vesikirppu - Alex/Olivia.
Part 28 of Alexandra the Great by
earthangie - Alex/Olivia.
Icons by
ob_fangrrl - Alex/Olivia.
{Star Wars}
P is for Paltry by
hlglne - Amidala/Handmaiden.
{Twin Peaks}
Channeling Fury by
missmai_chan - Laura/Donna.
Feel free to leave links of interest in the comments. check out the master list over at
girlwank. Please pimp like it's going out of style.