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Comments 1484

Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Jane/Julie, coffee geonncannon July 1 2006, 03:43:38 UTC
Am I kicking this off...? It just so happens, I had a plot bunny that fits the Mr & Mrs Smith prompt perfectly, so... it was fairly easy to snap one off. *G*"You Said Good-bye ( ... )


Re: Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Jane/Julie, coffee salmon_pink July 1 2006, 04:37:24 UTC
Wow, what a way to start things off. Soo hot, and yet so bittersweet. Utterly delicious.


Re: Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Jane/Julie, coffee geonncannon July 1 2006, 04:40:15 UTC
Thankee! :D I'm just glad the story I had planned from this morning fit one of the prompts so well! *G* I've wanted to write Jane with one of her workers since the movie came out... although I tended to focus more on Jennifer Morrison's character ;-D


Re: Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Jane/Julie, coffee salmon_pink July 1 2006, 04:50:50 UTC
Heehee, yeah, that was convenient. Lucky for us readers it worked out so well. :D And Jane with any of her co-workers would be hot, but Jane/postbox would probably be hot, so it's pretty much a given. XD


"Denier", Harry Potter, Pansy/Ginny, 'lines' salmon_pink July 1 2006, 04:34:44 UTC
As exams creep closer, the weather gets warmer. Students fling their robes over their shoulders, roll up their sleeves, loosen their ties and unbutton their shirts. Summer is in the air, and on everybody’s lips ( ... )


Re: "Denier", Harry Potter, Pansy/Ginny, 'lines' geonncannon July 1 2006, 04:41:18 UTC
Rwor... extremely hot! I don't follow Harry Potter at all, but... that is so not necessary to enjoy porn this well-done ;-D Wonderful job!


Re: "Denier", Harry Potter, Pansy/Ginny, 'lines' salmon_pink July 1 2006, 04:51:14 UTC
*blush* Thank you so much.


Re: "Denier", Harry Potter, Pansy/Ginny, 'lines' geonncannon July 1 2006, 04:58:56 UTC
*beams* This battle looks to be off to a very good start ;-D


Up From Down, BSG, Starbuck/Cain, manipulate helens78 July 1 2006, 05:11:23 UTC
Up From Down -- BSG, Starbuck/Cain, NC-17

One or the other of them's on top here, but who? Starbuck isn't sure, because up is something far away now. Now she's not up but submerged, so deep in Cain's embrace and the fury of Cain's mouth on hers that she wouldn't know up from down, left from right, Cylon from hum--

--no. She'd know that.

Cain is just like any woman Starbuck's had, and that's a comfort. She moves the same way, growls the same way when the want hits her hard, has that same sweet-slick taste between her legs. There's the same awkwardness, getting positioned, and just like every time Starbuck's taken a woman to bed, it doesn't matter. Eventually one of them's on top, one of them's on the bottom, they're both licking and stroking and frakking like there's no tomorrow and Gods Starbuck's been needing something like this, a take-no-prisoners frak that doesn't ask, doesn't hold back, that's all mouths and hands and hot, dripping pussy, Cain's scent and taste smeared on Starbuck's cheeks ( ... )


Re: Up From Down, BSG, Starbuck/Cain, manipulate geonncannon July 1 2006, 05:21:35 UTC
Oh, wow. Okay, it's official... I'm going to read posts here whether they're a fandom I'm familiar with or not. Extremely, extremely hot. Love the domination angle, very very well-done. And, oh, yes, hot. *grins*


Re: Up From Down, BSG, Starbuck/Cain, manipulate helens78 July 1 2006, 05:27:53 UTC
Thank you! :D


Re: Up From Down, BSG, Starbuck/Cain, manipulate loridragus July 1 2006, 05:26:49 UTC
Oh yea. So glad I'm not working tonight.


Degrassi,Paige/Alex,Skittles loridragus July 1 2006, 05:21:05 UTC
Fingers slide in and out. The rhythm is familiar.She's come to know it quite well in the last day and a half. Her nails dig into Alex's back. She's afraid to look at Alex's back. Afraid of what it looks like. All the scratches she knows she's put there. Alex doesn't seem to care though. She never breaks her rhythm. Alex is on a mission as she increases the tempo,Paige feels herself building once more toward oblivion ( ... )


Re: Degrassi,Paige/Alex,Skittles thenewhope July 1 2006, 17:06:11 UTC
oah, nice. that last line totally made me giggle.


Re: Degrassi,Paige/Alex,Skittles malexfaith July 21 2006, 11:24:28 UTC
that last line had me giggling too. Short and sweet, but still funny. takes talent to do that. awesome work.


Dead Of Night - Crossing Jordan, Jordan/Lily, fear tlin_s July 1 2006, 05:52:08 UTC
The morgue was quiet - too quiet, if you asked Lily, but then it was supposed to be quiet. It was a morgue, after all, and it was after hours.

Usually, the quiet didn't bother her. She liked staying late, after most everyone had left for the night. It gave her time to sort things out. But tonight, as she went through the backlog of paperwork, she found herself flinching over the slightest things. She kept telling herself there was nothing to be afraid of...the doors were locked, and there were others in the building.

But it didn't seem to make a difference; a creak here, a tap there, and when Jordan burst into her office, she nearly shrieked from fright. "You scared me half to death," she cried out, as the door slammed shut.

"Sorry, Lily, didn't mean to," she said, as she plopped down in the chair. "You almost done here?"

"Does it look like I'm almost done?" Lily asked sarcastically, as she gestured to the pile of files on her desk.

"Well, no," Jordan had to admit, then added with a wink, "I could help you clear that desk off ( ... )


Re: Dead Of Night - Crossing Jordan, Jordan/Lily, fear honeymink July 1 2006, 07:49:31 UTC
Ahhh, I love that. Jordan/Lily so are my OTP! Thank you for writing.


Re: Dead Of Night - Crossing Jordan, Jordan/Lily, fear tlin_s July 1 2006, 12:30:26 UTC
Glad you enjoyed it. This was my first time writing anything for CJ, but I doubt it will be my last. Thanks for the feedback!


Re: Dead Of Night - Crossing Jordan, Jordan/Lily, fear thenewhope July 1 2006, 22:45:01 UTC
oah, yay! so glad you decided to do a CJ prompt!

thanks for playing!


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