{Charlie's Angels}
10 Nuns A-Praying - part 10/12 of The Twelve Days of Christmas by
darandkerry - Kelly/Sabrina
The Pros and Cons of Breathing by
sinandmisery - Brooke/Garbo (Popular/Dirt/The OC)
A Hard Day's Night by
geekgrrllurking - Catherine/Sara (Vegas)
{Poltergeist: The Legacy}
50 Moments in Alex & Rachel's Lives by
ariestess - Alex/Rachel
{Star Trek}
1440x900 wallpaper by
mammothluv - Dax/Lenara (DS9)
{The Hollows}
Black Roses Red by
meremortal2k5 - Ivy/Rachel
Where Rachel Dare by
jaina47 - Ivy/Rachel
Part 3 of Untitled by
wickedfanatic06 - Elphaba/Galinda
{Women's Murder Club}
11 Actors Acting - Part 11/12 of The Twelve Days of Christmas by
darandkerry - Lindsay/Cindy
girls_today has been
updated with some off-site material.
dogged_by_muses has posted a link to
the 19th entry for the Femslash Advent Calendar.