Apply For A Team

Aug 01, 2013 09:01

Apply For A Team

So you want to play in femslash_land? Great! Here's what you need to know;

Femslash land is an interactive challenge community. What does that mean? It means you get put into a team, and then I post loads of challenges (fic writing, graphics making, games, puzzles and more!) which you enter in order to get points for your team. At the end of the phase the team with the most points wins.

We currently have three teams; team_canon (established pairing in TV/film e.g Callie/Arizona), team_crossover (pretty much any pairing as long as it is between people in two different fandoms listed here), team_subtext (not an established pairing in TV/film but seems that something more than friendship is going on between them e.g Cara/Kahlan)

In order to join, your journal should be at least one month old and show sign of activity - including posts, friends, communities, interests etc because this community is about participation. If you won't be able to participate at least once every two weeks then there is no point applying. Inactive members will be cut.

So now that you've read that, (and maybe also the FAQs) please copy/paste the application below and fill it out in a comment to this entry.

Teams in order of preference:
Who referred you? (the user, not the community):
Anything else?

All former members before the hiatus MUST reapply. While I cannot promise you your old team, I will try my best. Old members will not get preferential treatment over new ones. Members are divided into teams on a first come, first serve basis.

Please don't send a request to join this community, you will be invited when your application is processed.

(Copy pasta'd and butchered from bella_farfalla's original post.)

¡modly buisness, ¡ph5

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