Feb 20, 2007 21:46

Thank you to everyone who joined in the Law and Order Universe Red Carpert Night Fluff - the thread is still 'live' and anyone can throw a line or twenty into the story by dropping a comment at the appropriate point.

Those of you with good memories will remember I conducted a poll and the 'winner' was actually a multi-fandom 'anything goes' type affair. Those of you with good eyesight will have noticed I haven't started that one yet. Unfortunately, my RL has interfered in a most unpleasant way - my colleagues have kindly shared one of London's current cold type bugs with me and I now have strep throat (I think that's American for 'it hurts to swallow' *g*) and what feels a temperature which, in the interests of 'team spirit' I will be sharing with my colleagues again tomorrow. This has meant the muses are not fluffy...

If anyone would like to have a go at starting a multi-fandom community fluff, please feel free and hopefully many of us will help encourage it along. If no one feels in the mood, like all the unsuccessful nominees (which, if the BAFTAs are anything to go by, seems to be everyone except Helen Mirren and 'The Queen')...there's always next year *g*.

Thanks for reading....anyone feeling fluffy?


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