Any pairing, tennis court, diet soda by ncruuk - Femslash Fluff.

Nov 10, 2006 22:52

Any pairing, tennis court, diet soda by ncruuk - Femslash Fluff.

Calleigh Duvenesque/Lindsay Monroe.

CSI: Miami/CSI: NY.

Title: - Reasons why Calleigh beat Lindsay.
Author: - Allie Summers.
Disclaimer: - Not Mine.
Description: - Calleigh finds it easy to beat Lindsay… although it has nothing to do with technique.

“That’s not fair…” Lindsay complained for the…30th? Time… Calleigh sighed softly and bounced a ball with her racquet, waiting for Lindsay to stop complaining. Lindsay blew her brown hair off her face and glared at Calleigh her blue/brown eyes full of boredom. “Can’t we just stop already? You’ve beaten me in three straight sets…”

“Fine.” Calleigh replied evenly, bouncing the ball into her hand and crossing to her bag. She was aware Lindsay was watching her as she bent and put her racquet and ball away. She smirked slightly and grabbed the two cans of diet coke she’d packed earlier. She swept her blonde hair back off her face and crossed to hand a can to Lindsay. “So… you enjoy yourself?” She squinted against the sun and smiled slightly.

Lindsay smiled wryly. “Oh yeah… I sure enjoy getting my ass kicked…” She paused then smiled. “It was nice to get away from the lab though… we should do something like this more often…”

Calleigh looked at her, a little surprised. “Okay…” she agreed easily, taking a sip of her drink.

Lindsay watched closely, trying to figure out what it was about the blonde in front of her that always made her feel awkward. She figured it was probably something to do with Calleigh’s self-confidence. A feature that even now she lacked. She paused then looked away, a look of hurt coming to her eyes. Calleigh frowned, stepping closer, resting a light hand on Lindsay’s arm. “Hey…what’s wrong?”

Lindsay looked back at Calleigh and shrugged slightly. “I don’t know… I’m probably just tired…” She was lying and it was easy to see. When Calleigh didn’t move and simply looked at her she sighed. “I feel… so useless compared to everyone else… they’re all used to big cities… I’m just a small town girl…”

“A very sweet small-town girl…” Calleigh corrected. “Besides… you kicked Eric’s ass up and down this court yesterday…” She grabbed her bag and shouldered it easily. “So… you coming over or what?”

-The End-

[142], allie, csi

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