A State of Undress Fic-a-thon

Sep 14, 2006 01:47

This fic-a-thon is open to anyone who wants to participate, you merely have to pick one of the character/state pairings listed and go write a story which involves those two elements. Some of them are no brainers, like Olivia Benson in New York, while others are a little more 'what the hell is she doing there', the answer to which is... you tell me. The character doesn't necessarily have to be in that particular geographical location but it must be part of the story, even if it's only Sydney Bristow saying 'We're not in Kansas anymore'.

I basically wanted to see if I could think of fifty femslash worthy characters, then I decided to limit my choices to US shows, and further whittled it down to non-futuristic or historical fare. Surprisingly enough, fifty popped into my head almost immediately.

So take a look and if anything takes your fancy, have a go and send me the link when you're done - fluff, angst, comedy, erotica, you decide - and if no one fancies taking part, that fine, I'll just ressurect it every now and then and see if I can get through the lot... then it's on to countries ::grin::

A State of Undress fic-a-thon

Crossposted with permission from the lovely eclecticfan
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