expanded playground for ncruuk

Sep 13, 2006 17:20

Some of you may have been following a thread ncruuk and I were having in her latest Mac/Sam fluff about Mac getting a woman in every state.

Well, after much discussion it was decided there weren't 50 female characters avaible for the challenge. So we changed it slightly. You can track my challenges and ncruuk's fluffy responses both here and via the Fluff! Read more... )

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ralst September 13 2006, 22:39:23 UTC
Are you really trying to tell me there aren't 50 female characters you can pair with Mac? Surely there has to be at least that many. Have you thought about running a 'name that character' poll or something?

Would it be okay if I tried to formulate a 50 states challenge? Not necessarily for Mac.


eclecticfan September 13 2006, 22:47:24 UTC
well, it's kind of a double edged sword - 50 characters that ncruuk can write - there are a bunch of fandoms that neither of us watch - besides tons of fics with Mac/Sam and Mac/Serena and Mac/Olivia and Mac/Scully ::fans self:: will be AWESOME!

as for a states challenge - sure, not like I own them or anything - more the merrier!


ralst September 14 2006, 00:09:45 UTC
Miss! Miss! I've gone and created a 50 states fic challenge. It's not strictly speaking a fluff challenge, but it's not, not a fluff challenge. Would it be okay to post a link on here? (the responses can be posted here too, if they're of the fluff variety, of course.)


But if you'd rather not, no worries *g*


eclecticfan September 14 2006, 00:31:19 UTC
The more the merrier - all are welcome in our playground!


eclecticfan September 14 2006, 00:32:04 UTC
Oooo - and do you want a cool map like I made for ncruuk's Mac state challenges?


ralst September 14 2006, 00:42:18 UTC
A map would be great - I don't actually know where half the places are, so there is a risk I'll put Delaware where Ohio should be, but I'm sure I'll get there in the end *g*

Off to post the link...


eclecticfan September 14 2006, 00:46:06 UTC
ok - are the colors I have for ncruuk's map ok - or do you want custom colors?

I don't have all the state links worked out but am willing to code both maps

also - the map and title and everything is one large picture - lemme know what you want yours to say and what other links (like return to P&P or your LJ) you'd like


ralst September 14 2006, 00:58:41 UTC
The colours are good, although if it was possible to change it to a black background - like the site - that would be great. But only if it's not a pain. As for the link, I think similar to yours, but P&P, if that makes sense.

When it comes to the title, is A State of Undress fic-a-thon too corny?


eclecticfan September 14 2006, 01:00:39 UTC
nope - black background should be do-able and the title and link to P&P - no problem

is the size that I'm using good?


ralst September 14 2006, 01:02:25 UTC
Yep, just right.


eclecticfan September 14 2006, 01:09:54 UTC
check your email

the pic should be attached


ncruuk September 13 2006, 23:44:40 UTC
50 characters possible to pair Mac with? Certainly

50 characters I (ncruuk) can write? Maybe...

50 characters I (ncruuk) could pair with Mac in a half decent fic? Stretching it...

50 characters I (ncruuk) could pair with Mac and spread across the USA? Stretching it even further (especially when there are 9 L&O characters I could write for NYC alone...)

All in all, as kimly said, it seemed a big enough challenge for me to (plausibly - I'm not intending to write crap fluff) write Mac in every State, without having to find about 25 more women than I normally write...so, I'll take the states and move some of the women around....

Would it be okay if I tried to formulate a 50 states challenge?

Good luck with Alabama...that was the first one to stump us (and yes, I think we were starting to think from the beginning of the alphabet *g*)


ralst September 14 2006, 00:11:43 UTC
I think fifty states, one writer and one central character is probably asking a liiiiittle too much *g*

I've gone and created a 50 states challenge, if you're interested http://ralst.livejournal.com/103754.html - some of them just don't belong in the state they've been given, but that's the challenge part *g*


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