CSI. Cath/Sara. Femslash-Fluff. Sara’s Lab, Crime Re-enactment.

Sep 13, 2006 16:46

CSI. Cath/Sara. Femslash-Fluff. Sara’s Lab, Crime Re-enactment.

Title: Re-enactments.
Author: Allie Summers.
Disclaimer: Not Mine.
Description: Sara lies easily…

Cath Willows and Sara Sidle were hiding out in Sara’s lab. Sofia had become increasingly determined to catch them out, Sara had made their excuse. “Re-enacting the crime…”

Cath smiled warmly at Sara as they crouched behind her desk. Her blue eyes shone with laughter, she flicked her blonde hair from her face and leant to kiss Sara. Sara smiled and kissed her back, her brown eyes shone with love and mischief, she tucked her brown hair behind her ear. The two remained in hiding, kissing softly…Cath broke the silence eventually. “Don’t you feel sorry for Sofia?”


“She’s alone…”


“And no-one loves her…at least…no-one cares for her…”

“Don’t they?” Sara asked softly. “That’s…that’s pretty awful…”

“Yeah…so…you think maybe we could let her join us?”

“I…I guess…” Sara agreed. “If you really think she’ll be ok with it…if you think she could put up with being one of three…”

“I’m sure I could…” Sofia’s voice was soft as she approached. Her blue eyes shone with tears and she flicked her blonde-brown hair back.

Sara stood instantly, crossing to Sofia, eyes locking with Sofia’s before she and Cath embraced her.

-The End-

allie, csi, [62]

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