Title: Sticky Sweet
Author: Grasshopper (A.K.A. The Undertaker's Muse)
Rated: PG-13
femslash50Prompt: 41 - Sweet
Word Count: 245
Warnings: Fluff, humor, shoujo-ai. And Yamato, because she deserves her own warning in this. ^.^
Fandom: Loveless
Spoilers: Eh…none, unless you don’t know the characters. (In which case, why are you reading this?)
Pairings: Nakano Yamato x Sakagami Kouya
Summary: Yamato likes Kouya…and donuts. Kouya thinks Yamato will get fat.
Author's Notes: For some reason, I seem to want to write nothing but fluff for Female!Zero. I suppose I can blame that on canon, for making things so angsty for them.
Disclaimer: All things Loveless belong to Kouga Yun-sensei. Grassy only lays claim to the plot.
femslash50/Nakano Yamato x Sakagami Kouya Themes Index (
41. Sweet )