Normally, this would be the time of year when we would have a Femslash '12. Actually, two months ago would have been when we would have gotten started with polling, and in most years, you would have your assignments by now. As you may or may not have noticed, none of that has happened this year.
callmesandy and I have both been insanely busy with Real Life this summer. It's mostly good things - very good things in my case - but work, family, and friends have been the priorities for both of us this year. We don't have the time or energy to run a big ficathon this summer. We were so busy that we literally forgot until early June, which is when people started asking us where Femslash '12 was. That's awesome; we hadn't realized that so many people look forward to this ficathon.
We hope fervently that things will calm down for at least one of us shortly, and that we'll be able to run Femslash '12 in the fall. If so, we'll start polling in late August or early September, and we'll make sure the due dates are early enough not to interfere with Yuletide.
Several people have volunteered to help out with the ficathon. You guys are awesome. We will totally call on you when we get our own acts together.
callmesandy and I discussed handing the reins over to someone else completely, but we decided we're really attached to Femslash [Year] and aren't comfortable transferring it to other mods. However, if you can't wait until fall and you want to run your own exchange/promptathon/disco hoedown, we will not feel our toes have been stepped on. (We will probably even sign up.)
Thank you to everyone who has expressed concern or asked questions! You've pushed us to see that this ficathon is still important, relevant, and fun, and you've made us want to find a way to keep doing it.