Lesbian Pulp Fiction Titles #24 - The Sisterhood

Jan 01, 2018 22:39

Title: Sticking Together
Fandom: OZ
Characters/Pairing: Claire Howell/Diane Wittlesey
Table/Prompt: Lesbian Pulp Fiction Titles #24 - The Sisterhood
Rating: Teen
Word Count:200
Summary: There were so few women working in prison. They had to stick together.

Claire was the only woman in the field of Criminal Justice at Warren Community College. That suited her just fine. She dropped her schooling after a semester, realizing that she wasn’t going to be cut out for administrative work, and wanted to make money right away.

There were some women in Oz, but it paled in comparison to the number of men. Claire suspected her hiring had something to do with the state making quotas. The nun she met was pleasant enough and the doctor had a nice smile. But that other CO, the blonde that had a perpetual scowl on her face, she’d rebuffed every attempt Claire made to have a conversation. It didn’t seem right. They were on the same team, on the same side of the bars. They needed to be able to communicate. She had no idea why the blonde, Wittlesey, had a stick up her ass.

Then one day, Claire caught Wittlesey checking out her rack in the locker room. “See something you like?” asked Claire, winking.

Claire smiled broadly as the other woman couldn’t hide her blush.

It might require some different tactics, but maybe the two of them could be friends after all.

author: cmk418, table: pulp fiction, fandom: oz

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