Alphabet Soup Table - 2. Bamboozle - X-Men

Mar 28, 2016 12:21

Title: Maybe It's Her
Author: Kat Lee
Fandom: X-Men (Can I please get a X-Men tag, mod, and where should I go to in the future to request new tags? Thanks in advance.)
Character/Pairing: Rogue/Storm, mentions several past, het relationships for both
Rating: PG-13/T
Challenge/Prompt: FemSlash100100 Alphabet Soup: Bamboozle
Warning(s): None
Word Count: 1,241
Date Written: 28 March, 2016
Disclaimer: All characters within belong to Marvel Comics and Disney, not the author, and are used without permission.

Sometimes, she feels like she was bamboozled into staying with the team. She still remembers those early days when so few of her team mates trusted her to fight alongside them. She still remembers vividly feeling like none of them trusted her or wanted her anywhere around them. She had come to believe none of them did, in fact, when she left the team for the first time.

But the Goddess followed her. She never expected that. She never expected Ororo, of all of them, to be the one who came after her. She also didn't expect what had happened next. Ororo seems to have forgotten all about their encounter in the river, but Rogue doesn't. She thinks about it every time she sees her.

She still remembers the way the water sparkled on Ororo's glistening, dark, and oh so beautiful body. She still remembers the ache just watching her made deep inside of her. It was an ache unlike anything Rogue had ever felt before. She's felt similar aches since, but none of them have ever been so strong.

She remembers, too, how Ororo's breezes caressed her and how the Goddess made her feel like the rest of the world didn't matter, like it was just the two of them playing in the river, like that one spot was the whole world and they were the only ones in it. She drove her to ecstasy with just a few touches, just a few kisses from winds at her command, and then she let Rogue kiss her. Joseph and Remy both think Joseph was the first to touch her and not be hurt, but Ororo was really the first and Rogue remembers it well.

She remembers what the former Queen's lips felt like beneath her own. She was so soft and yet, even then, regal. She knew she was lucky to have the honor of kissing her lips. She was a Queen in her own right even back then. And when she felt those lips open underneath her own with a soft sigh, it was ecstasy all over again for her.

She's quite nearly a virgin even now, despite her age. She's only ever been with a man in the Savage Land and never again has she touched another woman. No other woman can compare to Ororo, and few men can. Really, none of them can, but a girl has to have some loving. And Ororo seems almost to have forgotten her.

She's surely forgotten that moment when she came after her, when she opened herself to her, when a Queen knelt before a belle. She's forgotten the power she let her have over her. Rogue suspects it's both because she doesn't like allowing any one power over her and because she's scared to admit again what they both felt in that moment. Rogue knows she felt it, too. She heard it in her sigh, felt it in her touch, and saw it in her eyes that were as crystal blue as the water flowing all around them.

Ororo rocked her world, but she left her imprint on the Queen, as well. She acts like she's forgotten, and it's easy to believe she has, but deep down, Rogue knows better. The Goddess can forget their moment shared together no more than the mere mortal whose lips touched hers can. She knows what they shared. She knows what she meant to Rogue. She knows she is the reason Rogue returned to the X-Men, and the reason she's still standing here today.

She has to, because there are times when Ororo's eyes catch Rogue's and Rogue is immediately taken back, in her mind, to that time at the river. There are times when Ororo's hands flash against Rogue's carefully clothed skin, and Rogue remembers how her breezes touched her where no clothes were involved. She sees the look in Ororo's eyes, the barely contained desire, the power of a lust that raged stronger than the Mississippi River barely contained, and she knows she wants her still.

But yet, she won't act on it. It's enough to make a girl crazy, and maybe she does act a little crazy sometimes. There was that time she went off alone over the desert, after all. She'd hoped Ororo would follow her again, but it was only Remy and Bobby who came. She's pulled other desperate stunts, too, trying in vein to catch her attention, but Ororo so rarely looks her way these days.

It wasn't long after Ororo left the X-Men to marry T'Challa that Rogue left, too, but it didn't take her long, either, to get back here to the team when she heard that Ororo had returned. She had her chance to lead her own team. She had her chance to build a life away from the X-Men, and she was doing a pretty fair job at it, too, when she heard that Ororo had left T'Challa and returned home. She could think of nothing else other than being in her presence again.

She knows she's not the only one that feels the way she does about their resident Goddess. She's noticed Logan and even Kurt following her like lovesick pups. Ororo had her time with Forge and Cable, too, while Rogue's been more selective with the men with whom she's bothered to play. And that's all it is: play. That's all it can ever be, because her heart is still owned by another.

It has been ever since that day on the river. Ororo is many things. Among them is a reformed thief, and Rogue knows she stole her heart that day. She had thought no one could reach her, but Ororo did. She still does.

Rogue wakes every day thinking of leaving the team again. This place no longer feels like home with the Professor gone and dead, killed by his first student. But every time she sees Ororo, those thoughts are blasted away with gale force winds of memory. She thinks of speaking to her about that time, but she can never find the right words.

"I'll take Rogue with me."

Rogue blinks sharply as her mind is snatched out of the past and her quiet reverie and back to the moment. Ororo is smiling at her. "I believe we'll make a fine team," she's saying, and that twinkle in her eyes, which are still as blue as the unpolluted rivers running through her home state, reminds Rogue that yes, indeed, she does remember. She remembers it all, every kiss, every caress, every bit of strength she wielded over her --

But already, Rogue is finding herself saying, "Yes." She's never been able to deny Ororo, and besides, she is speaking the truth. She smiles, raising her own twinkling eyes to meet Ororo's mischievous gaze. "We do, shugah."

Right now, she doesn't even remember the mission at hand, but it doesn't matter. Ororo's smiling at her again. She's deigning to give her attention to her, out of all the people gathered in the War Room. Her eyes are laughing at her, calling to her, reminding her again of the past, and Rogue is oh so eager to answer. She beams, barely suppressing a giggle, as, suddenly, she feels young and desired again. Maybe, along the way of whatever mission they have, they can find a river bank again. Maybe they can find each other again. Maybe the Goddess loves her, after all.

The End

table: alphabetsoup, author: katleept, fandom: x-men

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