6 Drabbles: The Deadly Sins (Kaylee/Inara - Firefly)

Jan 04, 2006 00:20

Author: Angie
Fandom: Firefly
Pairing: Kaylee/Inara
Rating: R
Word count: 6 x 100
A/N: 6 Drabbles for the 6 Deadly Sin Challenges that have been posted. All are Kaylee/Inara in some form or another. POV changes a lot. Feedback is very welcome as this is the first time I've written in this fandom. None of the drabbles are related to the others so all can be read completely independently.

I feel guilty for what we do, hid away here in her shuttle. I feel bad that’s it’s always me, only me. They don’t give her enough for everybody. I feel like I should say no, that I should be strong enough. But I never do.

Tonight it’s strawberries dipped in warm chocolate. Well, you show me the person who could say no to that and I’ll eat Jayne’s hat. Pom-pom and all.

And when Inara runs a strawberry over my lips, then leans in to lick the chocolate off, I know that I won’t ever say no to her.

Apparently, pride comes before a fall. And I have certainly fallen.

I fall regularly. Everytime she smiles. Everytime she touches me. Everytime she cries. I fall.

When I run my hands through her hair and she leans back into me. When I smell engine grease mixed with the sweetness of a summer breeze. When she looks into the young doctor’s eyes and forgets what she is saying, I fear I will never stop falling.

So if a fall requires pride to come first, then I must have been a very proud person indeed. Too proud to let her catch me.

Inara has seen things in her life that have made her angry. Injustices, cruelties, pain. She has known people who could be described as ‘bad’, even ‘evil’. But never before has she experienced the white-hot fury building inside her chest.

It started the second the bullet pierced Kaylee’s skin. It wasn’t noticeable underneath the fear and panic that overtook her, but with each scream of pain the fury grew.

Now, looking at the pallid features of her lover, she knows that wants the bastard dead. She can’t feel bad for wanting it. She might watch. This thought warms the fury.

I ain’t never envied Inara. Lotsa people do. They see the fine dresses, hear her educated voice and they wish they could be her. She’s so glamorous and shiny, who wouldn’t want to be her?

Well, me, I guess. Cuz when I look at her I don’t see the dresses and such. I see someone who sits by me when I’m elbow deep in engine oil. Someone who has a certain smile, all for me. Someone who don’t care that I maybe forget to wash my face sometimes.

I don’t want to be her. Cuz she likes me bein’ me.

She hates to be idle. Always talking, always tinkering, always smiling.

She thinks I move too slowly at times. I can always sense her eyes on me as I pour tea for us, so I deliberately slow down. She would never vocalise her frustration, she’s much too sweet for that. It took me weeks to get her not to throw the tea back in one gulp, but to savour it in sips.

In sleep she finally stops. Her breathing is slow and even. I trace the scar tissue on her abdomen and settle down to enjoy watching her do nothing.

Contrary to popular belief, I am not materialistic. I don’t crave trinkets and fine clothes. I earn money so that I can live my life independently, as I choose it.

But I want her all to myself. I won’t share her. Not with Mal and his brotherly affection that borders on the inappropriate. Not with Simon and his shy, inept attempts at courtship. She is mine and mine alone.

Yet she allows me to go about my business with never a hint of jealousy. I want her to want me all to herself. Maybe I’d even let her have me.

challenge48, challenge46, challenge50, challenge49, author: the_girl_20, challenge45, challenge47, challenge44, fandom: firefly

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