Title: In The Quiet
Prompt: Drabbletag5 - hair
Fandom: Agents of SHIELD
Pairing: Skye/Jemma
Rating: G
Word Count: 206
Notes: Post 1x22 "Beginning of the End."
Jemma spends the night after she wakes up in Skye's room, clutching a pillow to her chest in sleepless anxiety. Every time she closes her eyes, she's back below the ocean, an immeasurable weight pressing in all around her. Every time she closes her eyes, they snap back open within seconds, accompanied by a soft, involuntary whimper of fear.
(She should've died, she thinks, and can't figure out how to tell the difference, how to tell if she hasn't died and this is just her brain giving her something to live in for the last few oxygen-deprived seconds, if she won't wake up to water pouring into her lungs--)
Skye holds her wordlessly, letting Jemma curl up against her and take deep, sobbing breaths as she fights to keep from screaming. The only other noise is the soft tick of the clock above her bed, the bright red second hand sweeping around the dial.
At around four in the morning, Skye's hands steal up and wind themselves through Jemma's hair, smoothing it down. She presses into the touch like a kitten, making another soft noise. Skye runs her fingers through the tangled strands soothingly and she relaxes ever so slightly, a bit of the tightness around her throat disappearing.