Challenge #46: She Spies, Harry Potter, CSI:M/RPFS, O12.

Dec 12, 2005 03:53

Fandom: Harry Potter.
Pairing: Fleur/Gabrielle, Gabrielle POV.
Notes: The flu has been kicking my ass this past week. RAGE!
MS W/Count: 250.

Bill opens the door for Fleur and turns to me as she passes him, gesturing for me to follow her. I stare at him uncertainly… unsure if he really means it, wanting to get out of this room so badly, until he offers quietly, "You're as involved in this as anyone, Gabrielle. I think you need to be part of this conversation."

I take the escape. Because staying in this room, with our parents wrath hanging in the air like the thickest of fogs, is my only alternative.

A few hours ago, when Bill, Molly and Arthur -- accompanied by my mother -- walked in on Fleur and I kissing, it felt like the world ended. I wanted to kick myself for being so stupid and careless; we have hiding our relationship perfected, I don't understand how we managed to forget the dangers.

I've never disappointed my parents before and I don't like how it feels. But they simply don't understand that Fleur and I… we need each other. I can't be anyone other than who I am, and who I am is intertwined so inextricably with who Fleur is, that I wouldn't want to exist without her.

We match, two halves of a whole, and nothing else can compare.

Fleur loves Bill and I hope he knows that, I really do. I like Bill, and Fleur loves him, more than any other. It's just that what we have is more than love, it's everything, and it always wins out.

Fandom: She Spies.
Pairing: Cassie/DD, DD POV.
Notes: Goes with the drabble I wrote last week.
MS W/Count: 250.

You find her at home in her room, still clearly upset about Cross. She's pacing and muttering angrily under her breath, too caught up in her wrath to notice your arrival. After you got back to the office with Shane, and listened to Duncan recap Cassie's fight with Cross, you stormed into his office and let him have it.

You don't get angry often -- by nature you're an optimistic and happy person -- but when you do you get vicious, and nothing makes you angrier than people who hurt someone you love.

You left him stunned into silence in his office, smiling inwardly at Shane's proud look and Duncan's shocked one, heading home to take care of more important things. You walk into the room now, reaching out to touch her arm, turning her to face you.

"You heard what happened," she says softly, and you nod even though it's not really a question. She knows you've heard, that's why you're here.

"I talked to him before I left," you confess as you slide your arms around her waist and pull her closer. She hugs you back so tightly you can barely breathe but it's exactly what you need.

"I'm not working for him anymore," she whispers fiercely into your ear. "I can't, not after the things he said. I won't."

"Let's not decide right now." You tilt your head to kiss her, feeling some of the angry tension in her body release. "We can worry about that tomorrow."

Fandom: CSI: Miami/RPFS.
Pairing: Calleigh Duquesne/Emily Proctor.
Notes: This can tie in with my previous Calleigh/Emily drabble, or stand alone :)
MS W/Count: 250.

You meet her in a bar, even though her presence breaks every rule of time and space, and it isn't the first time; it's not even the second. You don't know what twist of fate brought her into your reality, a perfect replica of yourself, but somehow you accept it.

(The second time you met her was after an encounter with the past. You'd run into Kim in town; you hadn't seen her in years, and it brought back memories of things you knew she wouldn't acknowledge. You went out to drown your sorrows and ended up drowning in her.)

After you meet for the fourth time, you give her your phone number and she gives you hers. You stare at the scrap of paper in disbelief, everyone knows 555 numbers only work onscreen, yet when you dial the number you know is her cellphone, she answers: "Duquesne."

You remember how hesitant you were to kiss her that first night; how surprised you were to later discover small differences between you, things that make you ever so slightly unique… which shouldn't be possible. You don't know how it is, every characteristic she has should have come from you.

Sometimes you think you should tell her the truth, that her existence is an abnormality, a blending of realities, but then she'll kiss you, slide her fingers inside you, and you know you won't. You try to block out the strangeness of this, and occasionally you even succeed.

Fandom: Ocean's Twelve.
Pairing: Isabel/Tess.
MS W/Count: 250.

Isabel lets herself into her apartment, shrugging out of her coat and dropping it onto a nearby chair, too exhausted for anything else. This has been one of the most gruelling cases she's ever worked, keeping her and all her agents awake for several days straight, and she wants a shower and sleep -- not necessarily in that order.

A noise behind her makes her jump and she pulls her weapon as she turns, finding her self face-to-face with Tess, who lifts her hands in mock surrender as Isabel glares.

"Tess! I've warned you about sneaking up on me."

"I don't get a 'How nice to see you, Tess!' or a 'What are you doing here, Tess?' You're hard work, Isabel."

She summons up a brief smile, stepping forward for a hug. Tess's body is warm against her own and they stay that way, until Isabel finally steps back.

"What are you doing here?"

"The boys are 'working', I thought we could spend some time together. After you get some sleep," she adds. "You look half-dead, Is, and it's worrying me."

"Tough case," Isabel mutters defensively as she follows Tess into the bedroom.

She changes her clothes as Tess chats idly about her work, then crawls into bed, waiting for Tess to join her before she curls close, resting her head on Tess's shoulder.

"I'm glad you're here," she murmurs, after a few minutes of silence.

"I'm glad I'm here too," Tess smiles, kissing her softly. "I've missed you."

crossover, challenge46, fandom: harry potter, fandom: she spies, fandom: ocean's twelve, fandom: csi miami, fandom: rpf, author: fickitten

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