Title: Textbook Case
Drabbletag 5 - Games
Fandom: Firefly
Pairing: Kaylee/River
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 150
Notes: Most of the medical terminology comes from Wikipedia.
Summary: "Have you been reading my textbooks again, River?" Simon asks, but she just looks blankly at him.
"When controlled respiration is not possible, the brainstem activates areas to control unconscious breathing," River says. The noises are very loud. She swings her legs and watches. "Vasocongestion of the skin. Increased muscle tone, perspiration, circulation and heart rate. Involuntary vocalization may occur."
Next to her, Simon clears his throat and crouches down to her size. He's fidgeting with his hands, all flustered. "Have you been reading my textbooks again, River?" he asks, but she just looks blankly at him. "Mei-mei... I know it fits basketball in some characteristics, but phrasing the sexual response cycle as game commentary isn't all fitting. Just - do it quietly?"
River climbs to her feet with a last look at Kaylee playing with the rest of the crew below. She waves to River, flushed and laughing, and light reflecting off her skin makes her glow.
"Wasn't the game," River says. "I'll be in my bunk."