Title: Command Me
Author: pickledminx
Prompt: #405: performance
Fandom: Legend of the Seeker
Pairing: Cara/Kahlan
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 200
“Command me, Confessor.”
It was only a ruse. Kahlan would never actually confess Cara. At least, not these days. But, the situation in this town had somehow reached a point where pretending to had become ‘the plan’. Whether it was a good plan was yet to be seen.
What Kahlan did know, right now, was that the sight of Cara knelt down before her, staring up at her with that still-smirking face and those lips and that talented tongue of hers, offering to please Kahlan in any way that Kahlan could dream up… it did things to her. Things that Kahlan probably shouldn’t be feeling when the eyes of fifty villagers were still upon them.
She was not the type of Confessor who usually got turned on by this. But it was Cara. Who, despite the fact that it didn’t really fit with their little performance, was saying those words like it was a challenge. Like she wanted, just as much as Kahlan, to re-enact this scene at camp, later that night, when they were more alone.
And Kahlan already had quite the list of things in mind that she wanted Cara to do to her. Especially from this angle.