Title: A Scimitar to Break a Ninjatō?
Author: kerkevik
Prompt: #396: Unbreakable
Fandom: Firefly
Pairing: Inara / River
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 100
Summary: Inara reminisces about River, and ponders...
They talked of nothing but Mal in the house; pirate; rogue; the man she fled.
But she remembered a girl; still buried beneath the cold steel weapon into which a child had been fashioned.
Who came to a woman trained like her to understand what being a woman meant, in all it's aspects.
She knew Zoe's way all too well, and Kaylee's was to be learned watching, and studying.
But Inara remembered the touches that so easily could have taken her from this life; understood one thing above all; River Tam was far from unbreakable.
For she knew them as well.
Goddess watch over us all,
'tis ok to be Takei,