Title: Tears That Never End
Author: Kat Lee
Fandom: Xena, Warrior Princess
Characters/Pairing: Xena/Gabrielle
Rating: PG/K+
Challenge: #387: Cry
Word Count: 250
Disclaimer: All characters belong to their rightful owners, not the author.
She's been strong as long as she can. She hasn't let the enemy catch her. She took care of her only love's body the way she asked and has done all else that she asked. Even now, she keeps her head up as the boat moves, but there are tears swimming in her green eyes as she looks toward the approaching sunset.
She can hear Xena again now, asking her to understand, pleading with her to stay alive, all but begging her to be strong as she did what she felt had to be done. It was the only way to stop the murderers this time. Gabrielle understands that. She understands why Xena died, why she let them take her and do to her the things she did. She understands, too, so she can tell the world what a wonderful hero her beloved Xena was.
But she can stop the tears no longer. As she hangs her head and cries openly at last, she can almost Xena's voice on the wind. "Don't cry for me, Gabby." But she isn't crying for her. She's crying for herself. She's crying because it's going to be years before she can again hold the woman she loves, and a world without Xena in it is a world that holds nothing of cheer for her. She has no reason to continue except that Xena asked her to. She will keep her promise, but she will also cry every day, and night, from here on out.
The End