Logan's Wishes (All-New X-Men; Ororo/Jean; G/K; #386: Jealousy)

Sep 24, 2013 07:52

Title: Logan's Wishes
Author: Kat Lee
Fandom: All-New X-Men
Characters/Pairing: Ororo/Jean with Logan's wishes for Logan/Jean and RoLo
Rating: G/K
Challenge: #386: Jealousy
Word Count: 250
Disclaimer: All characters belong to their rightful owners, not the author.

He stared as Jean Grey revealed herself and wondered why he hadn't smelled her. How could he have missed her scent when he had hunted it for years? How could he have not known she was there?

He watched her interact with her daughter, touch her, and tell her she was cared for and loved, that this was for her. He stood at full, expectant alert as she moved pass Rachel . . . only to not have her come to him. She went instead to Ororo. Jealousy burned inside of him as he watched her place her hand on her cheek and call her name.

It should be his name she was calling, not Ororo's or Scott's or even Rachel's. She should be coming to him. His hands balled into fists; this time, his claws almost unsheathed of his own free will. But as he watched the women and saw the emotions in their eyes, Logan finally understood something he should have learned long ago.

Jean didn't love him or Scott. Neither did Ororo. Those two beautiful women were in love with each other! He heard thunder rumble in the distance, felt rain begin to fall, and still, he stared. He wanted and loved them both, but although they each cared for him as a friend, they would never honestly return his attentions. They wanted, and loved, only each other. He turned away, back to business, not wanting to interfere but still wishing he could ride the Storm and capture the Phoenix.

The End

fandom: x-men (comics), challenge386, fandom: x-men, author: katleept

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