Challenge #45 (She Spies, The L Word.)

Dec 02, 2005 01:20

Fandom: She Spies.
Pairing: Cassie/DD.
MS W/Count: 200.

It's all you can do not to break things or slam doors, as you stalk out of his office towards the elevator. Duncan opens his mouth and gets out, "Cas--" before you shove past him, cutting him off. People move out of your way as you cross the office floor, glancing nervously between you and Cross, who's now standing in his office doorway and snarling your name in a get-back-here-now-bitch kind of way. There's no chance you're going to talk to him again now, not after the things he just implied about your relationship with DD -- he should feel lucky you didn't try to rearrange his vital organs.

You can take any number of insults if they're about you, but you won't stand for him insulting her, when all she's ever done 'wrong' is love you.

You make it to your car without having to talk to anyone, too angry to be amused at the way people scatter out of your path as you stride down the halls. You feel no shame about your relationship with DD; you're proud of what you've created together. It's not how you imagined your life turning out, but you wouldn't trade it.

Fandom: The L Word.
Pairing: Jenny/Shane.
MS W/Count: 200.

Pride is both the same and different every year, which is one of the things Jenny loves most about it. There are people she'll see there this year that she's become friends with, people she's met in previous years; some she's loved and some she's hated, envied, or felt jealous of.

There will be new people to meet, some of them confident and some shy and uncertain, looking for a safe place to spread their wings as they find a way to become comfortable in their own skin.

Jenny's been to Pride every year since she first moved here, but she's never been to two consecutive Pride festivals with the same romantic partner until today. This year she's here with the same person as last year; only last year their relationship, romantic at least, was only six months old and still maturing.

They're coming up on nineteen months together and it's the longest relationship, outside of Tim, that Jenny's ever had. Shane was there in the difficult months, years, it took to her to 'find herself', while she watched Shane change, settle down.

They were best friends first but now, several years and many girls later, they're so much more.

fandom: the l word, challenge45, fandom: she spies, author: fickitten

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