Challenge #44.

Nov 28, 2005 06:07

Author Note: *clings to the interwebs* Ohmygod, it's been forever -- I've missed three challenges! My internet access has been down for several weeks... however, it came back up at 4am this morning, and I immediately figured I'd sneak a response to challenge #44 in before it closed :) I'll catch up on the ones I missed at the next remainder.

Title: The Way You Love Her.
Fandom: She Spies.
Pairing: Cassie/DD -- Cassie POV.
MS W/Count: 250.


You savour the feeling of her lips against yours -- gentle and soft and warm, a perfect fit against your own -- as she presses against you, an arm slipping around your waist to pull you closer. You can't think of any feeling that's better than the one you have now, because she's an addiction for you and you can't get enough of her; always craving her touch, always needing more of her, taking everything you can get even though it's never, ever, enough.

You devour her body, feeling the love that radiates from her as a near-physical thing, imagining that it's sinking into your skin as she whispers that she loves you and you cry out her name. At night, in the rare peaceful moments you can snatch for yourselves, when you're lying together skin to skin, you think to yourself that you'll do whatever it takes to keep this. You'll pay any price, go to any lengths, sacrifice anything, especially because you know she'll never ask you to.

You love her in a way you can only describe as helplessly desperate, or gluttonous, ravenous and needy, and you can only hope she keeps loving you back in the same way. That she did in the first place still makes you stop and thank whatever gods exist for the miracle.

Your lives are owned by the government but your heart is held by her, and that alone gives you faith that your lives can only get better from here.

Title: Loyalties/Divided.
Fandom: Hex.
Pairings: Thelma/Ella, Thelma/Maya -- Thelma POV.
MS W/Count: 250.


Ella's problem, you know, is lust. Pure, unadulterated lust. She has no self-control and, for some unfathomable reason, probably something to do with angels given our luck so far, we all have to pay for that.

Take what's happening with Malachi as an example!

Ella couldn't put aside her overwhelming desire for Malachi's bod... and, as a result, she became this simpering little princess of domesticity, content to be ordered around. The way she followed Malachi down the halls like a puppy was sickening, and Leon ended up considering murder to turn her back into herself. Murder! I want Malachi dead, but I don't really want to see Leon as his killer.

Neither of us were prepared when we were drawn into this centuries old battle of good and evil, but we're involved now and we're doing the best we can.

Except... tonight, I guess I succumbed to desire too. I warned Malachi what Leon was planning because I couldn't lose Maya. I wasn't ready to die when I finally found someone to live for. But I wasn't ready to lose Ella either, and in the end I didn't; I went into her dreams and brought her back.

Still, Leon and Ella will talk, and Leon will tell her that it was my fault he failed to kill Malachi. He'll have to: the warning could have only come from me.

If Ella's problem is lust, maybe mine is gluttony.

Because although I love Maya, most of me still wants Ella.

Title: Sisters In Sin.
Fandom: Harry Potter.
Pairing: Fleur/Gabrielle.
MS W/Count: 250.


Most people, when asked which of the Seven Sins they thought it most likely Fleur would to succumb to, will say Pride. She knows this for a fact (her friends once decided to work it out for everyone in her year -- that was her result) and she knows that people think she's vain, but, really, she isn't. She does take care of her appearance and she knows she's beautiful, but she also understands that it's mostly down to her bloodlines; her Veela heritage.

Truthfully, she thinks she would be more likely to succumb to envy, lust or gluttony. She's envious of the way other people can effortlessly flaunt their love in public, whereas her love for Gabrielle has to remain a secret, hidden behind layers of lies. Her desire for Gabrielle has threatened their secret more than once, when she's been unable to avoid reaching out to touch, to kiss, to feel, and her appetite for Gabrielle, she feels, sometimes borders on gluttonous.

Hearing the door opening behind her, she feels a tingle deep under her skin, and knows who it is even before Gabrielle asks, "Fleur, 'as Bill gone out?"

She turns to face her sister, eyes sweeping appreciatively across her slender form. Gabrielle has grown into a beautiful young woman and, at her graduation ceremony two days ago, Fleur cried.

She nods absently and Gabrielle smiles, walking towards her. Fleur takes a few steps, meeting her halfway with a kiss.

(Despite the wrongness, it always feels right.)

fandom: harry potter, fandom: hex, fandom: she spies, challenge44, author: fickitten

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