Lesbian Pulp Fiction Title Drabble - 28 Two Women in Love - Jo/Roz - Spooks - NC17

Aug 08, 2012 11:14

Title:                           Fulfilment
Prompt No:                28 - Two women in love
Fandom:                    Spooks
Pairing:                      Jo/Roz
Rating:                       NC17
Word Count:             126
Warning:                   Toys
Table:                         http://serene-ms-s.livejournal.com/9430.html

Disclaimer:  I own nothing but my debts and my laptop.  The characters referred to in this piece of fiction are the property of people with more talent and money than I will ever possess.  You know who they are, and more importantly they know it to.  No copyright infringement is intended.

Authors Notes:  Written for the Lesbian Pulp Fiction Drabble challenge.  The series mostly features Jo and Roz mostly, but is not exclusively them, it is Jo Portman all the way though. There may be spoilers but I will try to avoid anything to close the programme. The drabbles will not in written in number order, more will they join together as a thread as I am not disciplined enough to be organised.


Tags: jo, rating: nc-17, spooks, jo/roz, roz

drabble cycle: pulp fiction titles, author: serene_ms_s, fandom: spooks

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