Challenge #323 - Temptation

Jul 28, 2012 14:30

Title: Bored Meetings
Prompt: #323 Temptation
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Pairing: Maria/Natasha
Rating: R
Word count: 250
Notes: Public sex

Over the years, Maria has earned herself a reputation.

Stoic, cold, yet fierce when pushed. The voice of dissent and cynicism when necessary, even against Fury, who few dare to argue with. Shrewd and logical and damn good with a gun. Her resolve is undeniable.

Maria’s proud of her reputation.

She won’t let it be destroyed. She won’t let her resolve be shattered.

So she sits there in silence, gaze glued to the screens and projections. Jaw tensed up, eyes narrowed, the very appearance of concentration.

She won’t break.

No matter how strong the temptation may be.

The meeting is stretching out into eternity. There’s a sheen of sweat forming under her shirt and she’s biting the inside of her cheek.

She won’t break.

Out of her peripheral vision, she can see Natasha smirk as her foot moves higher up Maria’s thigh. Bare toes curling against the seam of Maria’s uniform, and then her heel is pushing between Maria’s legs. Rubbing roughly against her, and Maria fights every impulse in her body not to twitch, not to gasp, not to roll her hips into the touch.

Her nails dig into her palms, but Maria won’t break.

Doesn’t mean she can’t bend a little though. Her thighs draw together, trapping Natasha’s foot where she needs it. Squeezing with her legs as Natasha begins to work her through the fabric, wriggling toes and perfect pressure.

Maria’s proud of her reputation.

But that doesn’t mean she can’t have fun once in a while.

challenge330, challenge323, fandom: marvel cinematic universe, author: salmon_pink

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