Dancing (Golden Girls; Blanche/Dorothy; G; #329: Desire)

Jul 19, 2012 20:08

Working Title: Dancing
Author: Pirate Turner
Fandom: Golden Girls
Pairing: Blanche/Dorothy
Rating: G
Challenge: #329: Desire
Date Written: 19 July, 2012
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: All characters within belong to their rightful owners, none of whom are the author.

"Blanche! What are you doing?!"

Blanche twirled around to face her with a big smile. "What does it look like Ah'm doin'? Ah'm dancin'!" Spinning in rhythm, she gestured for her lover to join her.

"But -- But it's raining!"

Blanche's smile fell. "Dorothy, Ah'm gettin' older. Ah'm still in mah prime, o' course, but if Ah don't start doin' th' things Ah've always wanted to do but have put off . . . Where will Ah be in another forty years?"

"As beautiful, bright, and full of desire as ever." But she let her take her hand and lead out to dance in the rain.

The End

fandom: golden girls, challenge329, author: katleept

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