Title: Holiday Visit
cmk418Prompt: #325-glass
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing: Willow/Dawn
Rating: PG
Word count: 111
A/N: Set well after Chosen. No comics canon that I'm aware of
Summary: Dawn visits Willow before the holidays
Dawn followed as Willow led her through the house. “And I got a tree this year. Artificial, which isn’t very Earth mother goddess of me, but after three years of picking pine needles out of the carpet, I’m done with it. I did pick up some hand-painted glass ornaments. Do you want to see them?“ She caught Dawn grinning at her. “What?”
“Is this like inviting me up to see your etchings?”
Dawn wrapped her arms around Willow. “I want to help you decorate. I want to drink hot chocolate with marshmallows and kiss you under the mistletoe.”
“I don’t have mistletoe.”
“Oh. Good.”
“I don’t have to wait.”